6. To Midgard

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Sorry about the slow update y'all! I got caught up in some schoolwork and my Wi-Fi was down for a bit, so here you go! :)  It is a short chapter though, but I'll try to make the next one longer.

Third Person POV:

A bright blue and purple comet streaked through space, the tail of reaching miles behind the speeding rock. But it wasn't a rock, instead a person. A young girl to be exact. Meira was curled up in a ball and trying to scream, but no sound came out. The force and heat was unbearable, quickly making Meira fall unconscious. Her clothes and hair were singed off from the small sparks of flames.

It was not long until a planet was in the comet's way, yet it did not slow down. The comet began to fizzle out as it entered the planet's atmosphere, yet just as it seemed this would be Meira's end, a mist of shimmering blue covered her body, protecting her from the deadly heat.

As Meira shot down towards Earth, the civilians that were watching the night sky at that time marveled at what they thought was a shooting star crossing the sky.Gravity pulled Meira down so fast, that once she cleared the clouds, a loud boom exploded into the once silent night and houses even a hundred miles away could feel the ground shake for a few seconds.

Then Meira crashed into the Nevada desert.

Meira's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes. Ringing filled my ears and dots swam in my eyes, but I was able to make out a night sky with many stars.

And the fact I was laying in the middle of a giant, smoking crater.

 I shakily pulled myself up, my body groaning in protest, and looked around. There was nothing around except for desert, the dirt was orange and I heard strange animal noises not far off. Where am I?  I know that I am most certainly not on Thorix, and this place is like nothing I have ever seen. I tried to stand, but my knees gave out from under me and I fell to the ground again.

I didn't know what in Valhalla to do if I couldn't walk, so I laid down and curled my legs up to my chest. I suppose this means I really am banished from Thorix. The wind whipped over me as I wiped away a tear sliding down my cheek. What am I to do? I laid there for a long time, wondering, feeling myself beginning to drift off. Suddenly, an odd thudding noise broke the silence of the night.

I hurriedly sat back up and then stood when I realized I was able to. The noise started to become louder, sounding like drums being beaten on many times. Then the sound magnified, as if there was more of what ever was making the horrid noise. The wind picked up more and dirt began to fly around me; it was so bad that I had to hold up my arm over my face.

A bright light was suddenly shone on me, then several more. The lights were coming from these, these.....contraptions, that flew. Blades like swords spun above them. I felt myself growing more and more terrified as other contraptions that raced across the dirt on wheels showed up on the sides of the crater, but it was the creatures that came out of them is what shocked me the most.


I have never been in the presence of a man before in my entire life, yes I have seen paintings from the Old Age on Thorix, but those were paintings. These are real. The men, and now I saw some women, stood on the edge of the crater in clothing that showed no skin except for their faces, yet they showed no emotion. I spun and stumbled, looking at each of them and the menacing weapon-like things in their hands.

"Unidentified creature, stand down. I repeat, stand down or we will use force." A woman's voice with obvious superiority echoed from one of the contraptions in the air. The men shifted the weapon-like things in their hands and that's when I knew.

They will not hesitate to kill me.

Anger flared in my blood and I stood with new strength and bravery. "I am Meira of Thorix!" I shouted to the mortals with a snarl. "And I will not be bested by the likes of you!" Before they could react, I sent a wave of flames at one of them. Chaos erupted and I found myself fighting five men at a time, each skilled in combat. While I was against one woman, something painful grazed my arm and I snapped my head back to see a large man with scar over his left eye. He was holding one of the weapon-like things in his hand.

I quickly spun and kicked the woman in the chest, and then once she doubled over I kneed her in the stomach. More shots came at me as I flipped and dodged and ran towards one side of the crater, now only thinking of escape. Though just as I reached the side, someone slammed into my side. The man with the scar kept a knee on my chest and put the weapon at my forehead. "You're done for, freak." He growled and the weapon clicked twice.

In combat, girls are taught not to think about it, just to react. So I did. With a raged cry, I sent a small burst of flames at his face and scrambled out from under him. I didn't think about his scream or what I might have done to him, instead I ran for the other side of the crater, desperately trying to escape. And I did, for a moment, and I stood at the edge of the crater staring out at the desert before me, preparing to run like Fenrir was after me when something sharp pierced my neck.

I immediately pulled out the small needle out of my skin and only had a second to wonder what it was before I lost control of my body. I swayed and fell, tumbling back down the side of the crater limply. A loud crack! sounded when I hit the ground below and a burning pain like fire seared into my side. I realized in agony that my already broken rib cracked even more.

My vision came in bits and pieces, yet I saw a woman appear with many others around me, each pointing their weapons at me. I couldn't make out the faces because of the light shinning down from the flying contraptions, but it was all the more terrifying. "I am Agent Hill," I recognized the woman's voice from before, "And we are SHEILD."

That was the last thing I heard before I fell unconscious, fear clawing at my heart. 

Oh no, looks like Meira is in some trouble :/

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Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****Where stories live. Discover now