3. Near Future

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On Earth. One week later.

"Drop my needle, JARVIS." Tony Stark spun away from the desk he was working at and over to another a few feet away. In the corner, a modern day record player begun to play and Tony nodded his head to the music. "Sir," JARVIS, the computer butler said, "Agent Hill is on the line." Tony suppressed a groan and waved his hand lazily.

"Don't bother, she'll just pop up on the screen anyway." Tony muttered, not moving. And as said, the stern looking woman's face appeared on the clear screen in front of Tony, a more than irritated look on her face. "The music, Stark?" She scolded. Instantly the music shut off and Tony cursed at JARVIS under his breath.

"Can I help you, oh angry one?" The multi-billionare asked sarcastically as he continued working on his Iron Man helmet. I guess you can never have too many upgrades. Agent Hill ignored the remark and said, "We got some readings from outer space and-"

"And you called me because Thor is playing with some lightening?"

"And its not Asgardian."

Tony paused and looked up at Agent Hill. She resisted the smirk pulling at her lips and continued. "At first, that's all we thought it was, but when we went to check it out after whatever was heading towards Earth landed in Nevada, it wasn't the thunder god. Thankfully, no civilians got hurt." Tony was only half listening as he hacked into SHIELD's systems on his phone and watched a video feed from a satellite of a what looked like a strange streak of light, like a shooting star, bursting right through Earth's atmosphere.

He watched another video from the team that went out there to see what it was of a giant crater smoking at the edges. The video ended with loud and freaked out shouts.

"Well, what is it?" Tony said, putting his phone back into his pocket. A file folder popped up on the screen next to Agent Hill's head. "The question you should be asking is who is it." Agent hill answered. "Take a look at the file I just sent you and get to the helicarrier after you've read it. Hill out." The screen was clear again except for the tiny folder in the top left corner.

"JARVIS, open that folder." Tony quickly said and swiped at the clear screen so it circled around him. "Of course, sir." JARVIS responded and the folder opened at that. A picture of a young girl in medieval clothing was standing in the middle of a crater, surrounded by SHEILD agents, but that wasn't what surprised Tony.

The white haired girl was wielding fire.

Woo-hoo! Two updates in one day!

Yes, I made this chapter short on purpose, but don't worry! The next one will be longer!

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