7. Captivity and Interrogation

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Again, I am super sorry this update is so late! To be honest, I just got lazy :/

I think updates might be like this for a bit, I've have a TON of projects for school that I have to do for the next few weeks, but I'm gonna try and update regularly!

Enjoy the chapter!

*FYI that pic is Meira*

Third Person POV:

It is now around midday and Meira is being pushed roughly down a long hall, wearing tight cuffs on her hands, on the SHEILD helicarrier. A group of Agents are tightly formed around her and the ones walking behind Meira have their guns pointed at her back. They traveled in silence, yet it is anything but peaceful.

Meira is in immense pain, her breathing labored and her right side, where she ad been hurt, had begun bleeding and now staining the that side of the outfit she is wearing a dark, ugly red. The outfit she wore was one every girl had to wear on The Day of Decision; white and blue stripped mail armor with a think brown belt around the waist, leather arm gear - usually for show rather than sparing - and leather pants with knee high boots.

"Move it," said Agent Hawthorn, the man with the scar, when Meira starting slowly down. It wasn't much longer before they turned a corner and stopped in front of large door. Meira seemed barely fazed when an Agent punched in a code into a keypad on the wall and the door slid open, revealing a small room with no windows. A thin mattress lay on the floor.

Meira's cuffs were taken off and she got shoved into the room. The door slid closed as Meira fell to her knees, holding her side and gritting her teeth. Thoranians heal much faster than mortals, much like Asgardians, but because of their strange biology, they were hyper aware to pain. One of their only weaknesses.

To add onto Meira's broken rib, she had been tased nearly in the same spot when she had woken on the jet heading towards the helicarrier and tried to escape. Meira had never been more afraid in her entire life. She had never been put in a situation like this before, she had underestimated the mortals greatly and this is what she had to pay for it.


"Crazy person with magic from outer space; sound familiar to anyone?"

Tony sat with his head resting on his hand, his eyes tired and bored. Natasha is standing at the end of the table next to Steve, who leaned back in his chair, with crossed arms and an expressionless face. Clint sat across from Tony and much like how Natasha is standing; silent and impassive.

"I was thinking that myself, Mr. Stark." Nick Fury responded, turning from the windows. "But this particular case has nothing to do with the Asgardians."

"Speaking of Asgardians," Steve piped up, "Where is Thor? I thought you had a way of contacting him."

"We do, but it takes time. Asgard doesn't have the best cell service." said Fury. The director then slid an empty file over to Natasha, minus the unfilled out papers inside, that had a classified stamp over the SHIELD insignia. "You, Agent Romanoff," He said as she picked up the file, "Will find out who we're dealing with. This girl is young. She might be more comfortable around you."

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