11. And Here it Begins

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*I do not own the music, I just thought it would go well with the first part of this chapter. The pic is the village on Thorix.

This is a sad chapter :( Well, the first part at least......No, the whole chapter is pretty sad.

I hope you enjoy anyways!

Third Person POV:

Thorix is dead.

It all began the day after of Meira's banishment. All across the land crops failed, once healthy sprouts withered in the rays of the three suns and the bright green grass turned brown and crumbled under one's foot. The next day, the sky darkened and disease spread throughout the market in the large village, so all trade stopped. The next day, girls collapsed to their knees, weakened after one combat lesson. You could no longer hear the beautiful calls or howls of animals in the woods.

Thorix and its people became worse and worse. Women and girls everywhere suffered and the infirmary was filled with the sick and dying. It was chaos. It was a nightmare. It was Hell. Lady Monroe was helpless, for she too had fallen ill. The woman was bedridden in her room on the other side of the Council building, blankets heavily covered her weak body.

The woman was terribly pale and her breath rattled painfully. Her eyes turned grey, no more color except a few streaks of brown was left. Barely any life. Lady Monroe knew the cause of this tyranny on the land; the Crystal. Lady Monroe did not know what would happen to Thorix if the Crystal were to leave with Meira, she took a great risk, and this is what she had to pay for it.

It was the seventh day of Meira's banishment and the end of the week, and what happened next caused Lady Monroe to tumble out of bed and crawl to the window and pull herself shakily up.

The village was in flames.

Orange and red embers floated past the window and black smoke billowed like a fog into the sky. Below, Lady Monroe could see young girls from the Houses running this way and that, the Mothers not far behind them. Lady Monroe saw with deep sorrow and horror the School in the distance, aflame and burning out of existence.

Grief overtook Lady Monroe and she fell to her knees with a cry, hugging her ribcage and tears flowed down her face. The second she had fallen to her knees, beautiful green dust that sparkled like stars flew up around her and spread out across the room, making the air shimmer.

The last of her magic was gone.

Lady Monroe sobbed and screamed in agony, oblivious to the flames snaking inside her room and the woman walking inside. "Its unbecoming of a Head Council member to sob, Inger." Heidi said, with a cruel smile, showing her abnormally sharp canines. A shadow had fallen over Heidi's face and she no longer wore her usual armor and uniform, yet a simple, floor length black dress. Her hair was in a complicated braid down her back.

"Heidi.....wh-what are you doing?" Lady Monroe watched the young woman with a hurt expression, knowing already what this meant. Heidi laughed as she trailed a finger nail down the side of the wall, fire following suit. Smoke was now filling the room. Heidi gracefully walked across the room towards Lady Monroe in a dark way, the fire not touched her at all.

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