4. Pay Back

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Meira's POV:

 Today was the first day I was able to go back to classes and training after two days of recovery. Which meant it was only two more days until The Day of Decision. I was finally told what happened during the Scrimmage. I had lost control of my powers. Again. That was the first time I had lost control in public, anytime I had felt myself slipping, I would just run and hide in my room. I'd usually wake up to scorch marks on the wall.

It was late at night, the moon shining down on the training field brightly, being just enough light for me to train.The training field is very large, being mostly flat and grassy, but I was in the small section where there are large wooden posts for those without a sparing partner. I'm usually without a partner.

I wasn't too worried about anyone hearing me since all the animals come out at night and you can hear them howling or chirping loudly, and that the posts are on a small hill farthest from the Houses. The Houses are four buildings divided up into directions. There's the North, East, South and West Houses and every girl is put into one of them and they live there until The Day of Decision.

Each house has a Mother. Of course, she really isn't our mother, no one has one, but she helps us and cares for us. I'm in the East House, but I just keep to myself. Once I was satisfied with my training by swinging my sword into the side of the post I was at with a crunch, I put away my sword in the racks and headed down the hill towards the East House.

I was nearly there when a shadow caught my eye. I stopped and looked around. The field was empty. I shrugged to myself and continued on, though I created a tiny flame in my palm so I could feel a little safer. I was practically running to the East House after the second time I saw the shadow out of the corner of my eye, but before I could reach the two large doors, someone yanked me back from behind.

"Wha-" I started but a hand covered my mouth. I fought hard against whoever was holding me, but hey took me to the side of the East House where it was dark and muddy. They threw me to the ground and when I fell, I whipped my head around to see Freya standing over me with a snarl. I saw her two friends come up behind me and jerk me to my feet.

"What is this?" I demanded, even though my voice sounded small, and tried to break free of the girls' hold, but they were strong. Freya suddenly pulled back her fist and punched me hard in the stomach causing me to gasp and sink to my knees. Still, the two girls didn't let go of my arms. "Quite a performance the other day," Freya said as her hand sparked and the veins in her arm seared a glowing, blood red. Magic can connect with our emotions, so I can already tell this won't turn out well.

"I was supposed to win." Freya growled. She kicked me across the face. Pain throbbed up my cheek and I coughed, spitting out blood. I could probably handle the two girls, but with Freya......she was just too strong. "But no," She continued, "You had to loose control of your powers and win. You're a disgrace to Thorix." A kick in the stomach. I felt the girl to my right shift a little, but no words were said.

"You don't even look anything like us." A punch to the face. "You don't have magic like us, you use fire and water. The rest of us actually use our own magic." Another kick to the face, this time on the other cheek. With that, I fell to the ground, barely conscious, yet I struggled to get to my feet. Freya had been waiting this whole time, she knew I was going to be out here training. Everyone knows I train I night.

"You are just a beast," Freya's voice echoed in my ears. "A monster." I watched with one eye open, watching her swing her foot back as if she were about to kick me again in the stomach, but one of the girls stopped her. "Freya," she whispered, "That is enough, we're done here. You have made your point." It was silent for a long time, my ragged breathing filling the quiet until Freya nodded.

"Consider this a warning if you think about telling anyone." Freya said lowly and they were gone, running far away from the East House. I watched them go, the edges of my eyes going dark. I lost consciousness seconds later.


I opened my eyes to see I was laying on a soft bed in the infirmary, sun light streaming in through the colored windows. Curse it all. I glanced around and sighed before passing out again.


A figure sat upon a throne, shadows hiding his face. The dark room was only lit by one candle that sat in the very middle of the floor, flickering every now and then. The gruesome throne was made up of bones and skulls from many odd creatures no man has ever seen.

The figure eyes glowed a bright blue and his hands had a florescent blue to them as well. "I need the Crystal......" The figure said to himself, his voice barely audible. He leaned forward and his face was shown. He looked like any other ordinary man with a hood over his head, but his blue eyes were filled with hate and death. "I must find the Crystal." Vrukore stated.

Vrukore waved a hand through the air and wisps of blue began to swirl in front of him, forming an image. The image wavered slightly, showing a young girl with white hair. The Crystal hung around her neck.

"I must find her." Vrukore said, but he did not know where or who this girl is. The swirls disappeared and the room was empty once more except for Vrukore. An awful smile began to crawl onto Vrukore's face.

"And she must die."


Uh oh. That can't be good. :/

Sorry this chapter isn't very long! And btw, should I continue with this story??????

Comment to let me know!


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