38. If I Could Dream

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Hey ya'll!

I'm not feeling very....upbeat today, so this will be a pretty short chapter.

I still hope you enjoy!

Third Person POV:

Thor stood with his arms crossed in the kitchen, wearing his armor. He had just gotten back from Asgard to check in on how much progress Loki had made with the ancient bowl. It had been little, Thor explained this to Lee and Steve, who both had sighed. It was late that night, and Lee had looked into Meira's room an hour ago to see her fast asleep. The three men were free to talk without worrying the girl further.

"What did Loki learn, though?" asked Steve. Thor rubbed his tired eyes and hung his head. "Nothing good." the prince responded.

"Great," Lee chirped sarcastically. "What else could get better?" 

Their voices were low, but they carried down the hall and into Meira's room. Confused, she woke, hearing the voices. Meira yawned and sat up, rubbing her eyes. She quietly pulled herself out of bed and shuffled down the hall, Thor's voice growing louder. She stopped, suddenly wide awake.

"......information on the Crystal." Thor's voice echoed. "A vital piece, I might say."

"And what's that?" Lee asked slowly, leaning forward in his chair a bit. Meira too leaned forward, sticking close to the wall. Thor didn't speak for a long time, putting his thoughts together carefully.

"When Meira was born, it is said that she was weak and fragile. In an attempt to save her, now I think because she is heir to the throne, the Crystal was placed upon her. This gave her power and strength, as you know."

"Yeah," Lee commented. "I'm still sore from the beating she gave me this morning."

"That power bonded with Meira." Thor went on. "And I fear, if Vrukore is to succeed and take the Crystal....Meira will not survive." 

Dead silence settled throughout the kitchen. Meira's hand flew to her mouth and she found herself stepping backwards away from the doorway and back into her room, her heart racing. One hand still covered her mouth and the other held the Crystal tight. Meira sat shakily onto the edge of her bed, thoughts swirling inside her mind. 

She wouldn't survive? Meira thought, her hands dropping to her lap. If she were to fight Vrukore, she would surely lose, and then what? He wouldn't take her prisoner, he couldn't. His focus is the Crystal, not her, and so he will take the necklace first, and so that means......

"I am to die." Meira whispered. Unless she won. If she won the battle, she would live, but if she lost, she would die. Meira knew she could trust in the Avengers' abilities, but was it enough? Would it be enough to save her and them? Or would it be the end?

Meira slumped over, rubbing her shoulder and shaking her head, thinking the worst had yet to come.

What'd you think?



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