29. Vrukore's Raid

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Hey ya'll!
Sorry for not updating in a while, I went to a school dance this past weekend and was sick on Monday. So I have been drowning in missed work.
Anywho, the story is finally setting into motion with all of the characters. Here are some things that will happen from this chapter on:

1. The group will be traveling all over the world.
2. Thor is going to make many visits to Asgard. (Maybe)
3. And Meira will learn to control her powers.

That's all for now and don't forget to read my Behind The Scenes and Q&A book!

**Btw, you pronounce Ylva like: ill-va**
Meira's POV:

I wake up to the sound of furious pounding on my door. My head seared with pain as I sat up, my whole body aching. My throat burned and my eyes watered. I coughed violently into my elbow as I rolled out of the large oval bed and towards the door. I didn't even remember latching it.

"Meira!" Ylva stood there, panic in her eyes and strands of her brown hair out of place. My stomach dropped; I knew immediately that something was wrong. Soldiers and palace guards ran this way and that in the hall, shouting things in Asgardian and tossing weapons to each other as they passed.

"What's happening?" I rasped, grabbing my sword instantly. I didn't care that I was still in the shorts and tee shirt I had worn to bed. Ylva paused, concern on her face, but she quickly hurried inside my room, pulling my arm along with her.

"You must go now." she said. "The palace is being attacked by Vrukore's Amarog. Thor sent me to make sure you get to the Bi-Frost." Ylva bent down, gathering up her skirts, and pulled out a large chest from under the bed. Out she pulled a large, bronze sword with a dark, heavy hilt. The sword seemed much to heavy for the girl, but she held it with ease.

"You can wield a sword?" I wondered aloud. Ylva nodded. "One has to protect themselves in Odin's castle." The floor shook not a second later after she said that. I went to grab my armor, the one I had worn since my banishment, but Ylva pulled me back.

"No time!" she exclaimed and we ran towards the door. I was glad that I hadn't taken off my dagger from last night and ran out the door barefoot with Ylva.

"Have you ever fought an Amarog?" I asked Ylva as we ran down the corridor, stopping every now and then so I could quit coughing.

"No," Ylva admitted. "But my father has. He was a soldier sometime ago and he was the one who taught me to fight. He once told me that Amarog are big and slow to turn around, however."

"Well, just swing that sword and run." I replied, my voice scratchy and dots swimming in my eyes. The further we ran, the more chaotic it became. Servants and guards ran past us, screaming or bleeding and the floor shook every now and then. Ylva and I had barely gotten to the door to the main hall when it was suddenly knocked down, shattered to pieces.

There, stood three Amarog. Ylva raised her sword above her head, and I held mine out in front of me. The Amarog growled and either pulled out hooked knives or raised their claws. Silence stretched in the stare down and I realized that this would not be an easy fight. Screams echoed through the palace and the floor shook once more. I could hear fighting going on below.

Finally, with a cry, Ylva ran forward and slashed at the first Amarog. The other two came after me then, but I jumped and slid and dogged and kicked my way through, trying in vain to get to Ylva. But when I saw a break through the fight, I saw that she didn't need my help.

Ylva swung her sword across the Amarog's bloodied face before flipping backwards out of the way of his claws. The wolf-creature snarled and tried again, but she slid underneath his legs, jumping up and slashing the bronze sword down his back. The Amarog howled in pain and the two I had been fighting - more like stumbling around and dodging - races towards Ylva.

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