43. Trouble In Paradise

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Hey ya'll!

A few interesting things happen in this chapter.... Oh, and the picture up top is what I imagine Heidi to look like. (Yes, the woman in the picture is from a tv show called Arrow.)


Meira's POV:

Well. The first day of my journey went horribly, not going to lie.

I didn't even know where I was going in the first place, what state I was in, or if my plan would even work. I left the motel about four hours ago thinking that I'll just walk solemnly down the highway and it'll be all dramatic and stuff. About twenty minutes into my walk, it began pouring rain and every time a car rushed by, a puddle of muddy water would splash over me.

I was shaking all over and my clothes and bag were soaked all the way through by the time a reached a forest-like area next to the road. I ran for cover under one of the trees to dry off and possibly eat since I was starving, but it turned out that I was standing in a bunch of poison ivy. Lee at pointed it out to me once on one of our runs and told me not to go near it - I just broke that rule. 

So not only was I cold, wet, hungry, and now itchy all over in all the wrong places, but I felt ill. I had been feeling a bit less than one hundred percent the past few days between all the chaos, but of course I brushed it off as usual. But now I was huddling under an oak tree in the wood-like area with cars screeching past not fifty steps away, and I had a freaking cold. A cold of all things! Thoranians rarely get sick, but I guess since I'm on a different planet, things affect me differently. 

The rain finally let up around the time the sun was going down. I had eaten all my food and laid out my clothes to dry, so now I sat on the wet ground with it nearly dark, in my underwear. The day had passed by so quick, that it didn't even feel real. I did, however, manage to get a fire going, which made things a little less.....scary. I don't like being on my own, even on Thorix when we would have hunts and we had to go out by ourselves.

I coughed as I pulled on my now dry clothes and then curled up at the base of the tree. I was cold, despite the warm night and the heat from the fire. I sniffled and leaned my head back, looking up through the leaves above. A dark blue sky with sparkling stars peaked out, like a blanket with tiny holes all over it. I smiled weakly, falling asleep with stars in my eyes.


I jerked awake, gasping and then coughing. The fire had long gone out and it felt late in the day. Sweat dripped down my face as I hurriedly packed my things, coughing every few seconds and scratching my hands. They were bright red and raw from me scratching them in my sleep. I sighed, slinging my bag over my shoulder and standing up. I looked around. I saw now in the light that the forest area went up an incline or a small cliff side. Maybe I could climb up....

And that's what I did. I slipped and fell and cursed poison ivy at least a thousand times before I reached the top, drenched in sweat. My chest burned in a bad way and every time I breathed it felt like water was in my lungs. I leaned against a tree for a moment, trying to catch my breath, and then walked out into the clearing in front of me. 

Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt