8. Who to Trust?

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Wow, I actually got to write a chapter!


Meira's POV:

I was sitting in the corner on the mattress in the small room the mortals are keeping me in. They had sent healers, or "doctors" as they called them, to see my injury, but I just kept trying to burn them. It had been a long time since then, well over an hour, and now I am thinking they are going leave me be. Good, I think, now I can finally have some peace to plan on how I am going to escape.

It won't be easy. There is no way for me to get out of here from inside this room and I do not know if they will come back to take me somewhere else or leave me in here. I sigh and shift so that I am leaning against the wall with my legs tucked under me. My hand was already drenched in blood, though the wound seemed to have stopped bleeding. One good thing out of all of this.

Focusing on my injury has given me a distraction from thinking about Thorix and what could be happening there, but my mind tends to drift to there every now and then. Whatever. My heart skips and I blink in surprise at the thought. Where did that come from? What does that even mean?

Before I can think on it any longer, I hear a click from the door and it begins to open a little. I pull myself into the corner more as I watch a man with curly, graying dark brown hair and glasses step inside. He held a small bag in his hand. "Thank you," He says to one of guards outside, "I'll knock when I'm done." The guard nodded and close the door.

"Hi, I'm Bruce." The man introduces to me. I move closer to the wall, but that's as far as I can go. He looks down at my side and frowns slightly. "I'm a doctor," Bruce says and takes a slow step towards me, "I just want to help. May I look?" Bruce gestures to my side and I glace briefly at the injury, my mind racing.

Perhaps I should let him help me. If I want to escape from here, then I need to able to run and fight. With that, I give him a short nod and slowly move from the corner. I clench my fist a little, making sure to be ready if he tries to hurt me. Bruce quickly kneels down on my side and ask me to take off my belt and mail armor. I painfully do so, now wearing a thin, sleeveless shirt and my leather pants and knee high boots.

I begun to feel oddly insecure as Bruce lifted up the blood soaked side of my shirt, but it's washed away the second he tries to clean off the blood with a rag and searing pain replaces it. I cry out and tears fill my eyes, my breathing fast and labored. "Oh God......." Bruce whispers and I sense the fear in his voice.

"What is it?" I yell, starting to panic. "What is wrong?"

"Calm down," says Bruce, but he stands and then helps me up when he motions me to stand as well. "The injury is more severe than I realized; you need to go to the infirmary." He starts to lightly push my towards the door, but I duck out from under his arm with screech.

"No!" I scream. "I won't go out there! I won't let them hurt me!" I'm acting ridiculous, but I knew that anything could happen out there; I may not be able to escape, or worse. I may not come back.

Bruce and I stare at each other for a long time until finally he relents with a sigh. "Alright," He says, "But will at least come to my lab? I promise no one will be there." Something in his voice made me nod after several seconds. I do not know why, but Bruce seems different - same as Agent Natasha Romanoff, I can't place why though.

Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ