52. Back In The Game

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Hey ya'll!

Sorry its been so long since I've updated guys! I just started highschool and its pretty crazy(but fun).

Well. The secret's out. I'm just a freshmen in highschool. Ha-ha.

 Anywho, I hope you enjoy the chapter and please VOTE and COMMENT!

(Btw, who remembers the whole 30 day challenge thing I did? Yeah, well, I deleted it in case you didn't know because oI got bored.)

Meira's POV:

Finally, we were in Wyoming.

In fact, we were all actually staying in the park at one of the camp grounds. Pretty bad move if you ask me, considering the fact that this place is crawling with people and I could be spotted at any given time by anyone. When I brought up this fact with Steve, he just looked at me and nodded, saying, "Exactly. And by the time that happens, they'll either get distracted, or you'll disappear in the crowd." I hadn't thought about that, but I still thought it was a mistake. 

This would be the second time we would be staying in tents and "camping out" as Tony had put it. I wasn't too thrilled with being put out right in the open, but Steve seemed to be right, the people around seemed to be preoccupied with their own problems to worry about seven adults and one teenager complaining about no internet connection. I didn't even know what that meant, so I didn't think much of it.

I began thinking about that a lot. No, not internet connection, the fact that I still don't know much about this world. I have been on Earth a little over four months now, and I almost feel as though I should know everything there is to know about how this planet works. I understand most things; you do wrong, a team of armed humans stop you. You do good and your name is every where. Children are put in schools that teach you to read, not to kill. It's confusing and at times too much to think about, but unfortunately, I have a feeling that this is something I am going to have to get used to. 

"Hey, sweetheart." A sly voice said behind me, the crunch of rocks and grass disrupting the calming silence. Lee sat down beside me, sighing as his eyes wandered. I had sat in the shade under a large tree, trying to get away from the charged atmosphere around the Avengers. I wasn't really watching or looking for anything, just thinking. I lazily rested my head on my knees, draping my arms around my legs. It was a quiet day, the first one I have enjoyed in a long time, and the noon-sun was just peaking above the clouds. The air was warm despite it being a cooler month on this planet. 

"Where did you get that scar from, Lee?" I asked abrubtly, looking over at him. Lee didn't look my way and kept on his half-smile expression on, but it looked sadder this time. He shook his head ran a hand through his short, dark brown hair, seeming to be thinking hard about something. 

"Ah, its a long story Meira." he said softly. "Not a very happy one either."

"I'm not expecting a bedtime story."

Lee barked out a laugh and began picking at the grass. A  breeze blew through and distant voices and laughs tickled my ears, but I couldn't make out the conversation. I looked away from Lee finally, giving up on a question that I didn't really know why I asked in the first place. I guess maybe to make sure that someone here wasn't entirely crazy. 

Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora