25. Currently in Space

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Hey ya'll!

This chapter will be a short chapter and will be about Vrukore(yikes!)

Hopefully you'll like it - and, you know, if you don't that's okay. I don't write to please everyone (though that is a bonus)


****FYI, It's about, if I calculated this correctly, late August or early September in the story****

Third Person POV:

The large, blue orb floating five feet away from Vrukore showed Meira fighting Agent Aaron Tyler. Vrukore sat in the throne-like chair overlooking large windows. It was obvious this was the captain's seat, but the Amarog with the golden sash across his large body lay dead a couple of feet away. Vrukore paid the deceased Amarog no mind, however, purely focused on the moving image of his daughter and the young boy fighting. 

Vrukore found himself mildly impressed at her stubbornness. He hadn't expected her to keep fighting until the boy was down for good. Thoranians are brutal fighters, willing to kill an opponent if necessary. Though Meira, Vrukore has noticed, is horrified that she might kill someone. The man from New Zealand, the two Amarog, soon it will be more. 

The orb froze on Meira's face. She looked distraught. Her lip was cut open and bleeding and large amounts of blood was pouring down the side of her face. And even before the fight, she looked pale and tired. Vrukore watched her as she fell to the ground, the phone next to her. It wasn't long before many of the Avengers showed up. The images began to fade, but Vrukore still watched. He watched as Thor bent down and picked Meira up carefully, his face stricken when her head lolled lifelessly against his shoulder. But Meira was not dead. 

Vrukore swiped a hand, the orb dissipating instantly. It was hard for him to conjure such a strong locating spell all the time, but it was worth it. Vrukore was still angered that the Avengers had managed to board one of his ships and take a Krikta. This could change everything, everything he had worked for and they don't even know it yet. 

Though he kept silent. The raid on Asgard's kingdom would begin tomorrow. Then Vrukore could seize the map to the Crystal Cove. Nothing could stop him from taking the universe's most prized jewels and going to each planet, taking them all with a mere thought. Everything known to man, god, and creature would be controlled by his hand. His bright blue eyes blazed at the thought and a sinister smile crept onto his lips.

Asgard shone like gold below the ship, and Heimdall unaware of Vrukore's presence. The sorcerer was one of the only few who could trick the All-Seer's eyes, and when the raid begins in the morning, Vrukore will let down the veil show Odin that his most trusted individual failed at guarding not only the Bi-frost, but Asgard as well. 

And Vrukore was sure that they would all burn. 

What'd you think?



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