33. And We're Off

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Hey ya'll!

So a lot has happened in these 33 chapters of Banished. Right here is where things start to pick up the pace a little bit - if they haven't already - and by chapters 40-45, it should be pretty hectic. 

Emphasize: should.

Anyway, as you may or may not know, I am writing this chapter by chapter. I don't have the other chapters written out and I barely have them planned, and this is mostly because any feed back I get helps me know what to do for the next chapter. So comments are really important now; anything that you think about the story, negative or positive, is very much appreciated :D

Alright, well, enjoy the chapter!

Third Person POV:

The smoldering ashes of what used to be the east wing of the palace was carried in the sky with the wind. Thor and Odin stood on a balcony, looking out on the field covered with grave makers of those who had been lost; most of the bodies were not found. It was a tense silence that wrapped around the father and son.

"Your mother is with the healers," Odin finally began. "Doing what she can for those in need."

Thor knew where this was heading. "Earth needs me, father."

"Your kingdom needs you, your people." Odin persisted. "Many have died this day, all for the protection of the queen, myself, you, and the Thoranian girl."

"She is not who you think." Thor said lowly. "We have discussed this."

"I know." Odin replied, placing his hands on the railing. "The daughter of a sorcerer and heir to the throne of Thorix, our sister in battle."

"Then why be opposed to the idea of her protection?"

"Because it is costing the lives of my men. The people of Thorix's city are gone and at this very moment, the village of Aramore is taking action to make the burned city their own - Botulf will not give up the land so easily for a girl who abandoned her own planet and who is the daughter of its destruction." Odin turned to Thor. "Thorix will be in ruins before the child could even step foot on its soil."

Thor was quiet for a moment, and then something clicked. "Are you afraid that the same will happen to Asgard...?"

Odin didn't reply, which confirmed Thor's suspicions. The prince silently vowed that this tyranny will end. Vrukore will be stopped and the secrets of the Crystal Cove's power will be revealed. With a swish of his cape, Thor turned on his heel.

"Where are you going?" Odin raised his voice to the prince. 

"You cannot stop me," was all Thor said, however.

And Odin didn't.

Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****Where stories live. Discover now