Extra | Ren Yoshida

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 Yoshida Ren, as you may know, the assistant adviser of the boy's volleyball team. It may seem like she was happy all the time, but like any of the others, she wasn't that cheerful at all. She was sensitive, surely, and she tried to become stronger. But because of that, also, she had a few more reasons to bawl her eyes out in public. Her favorite food?


As she may say, "toast goes with everything; chocolate, jam, butter, eggs, and really anything!"

That was all she needed. Her height?


It came from her half American nationality, and since she played basketball when she was younger, she had the chance to stretch herself out when others couldn't. She liked playing basketball more, and enjoyed playing more than watching. Volleyball? The complete opposite. Her favorite color was soft and pastel colors. Most preferably, pink or purple.

She was more girly at heart. Ren recently came to Japan, hoping to get away from all the drama on her volleyball team, and from volleyball itself. She was prescribed anti-depressant pills, but stopped taking them. Her favorite animals?

Panda's. They were so fluffy and she just wanted to cuddle them 99.9% of the time. Eye colour?

A very dark greenish hazel, that'd rarely show they were that colour. Hair colour?

Very, very dark brown. She would usually tie it up into a messy ponytail. Other than that, it was shoulder length, and slightly spiky.


Not Tsukishima-kun, obviously.


A-Anyways, it varies from basketball to toasters. Because, how can you not? Toasters were the best invention. Dislikes? "TSUKISHIMA KEI, I HATE THAT KID."

She occasionally disliked Tsukishima, maybe because he had always acted so mean to Yamaguchi, and it just made Ren want to slap him all the way back to the garbage dump. But she didn't really know why she fell for him, out of all people.

#1- He was a jerk.

#2- He was legitimate trash.

#3- Repeat # 1 and 2.

She guessed it was his once in a blue moon kindness, that'd only be shown when someone needed it. He was a reserved person, surely, someone Ren wanted to be like.


"Yoshida-kun..." She turned around to face a ginger haired boy, looking up at her. "Yes, Hinata-san?"

"Just Hinata is fine." Ren raised an eyebrow, confused by the boys actions. Why all of a sudden now? Did she all of a sudden get closer to him? "A-alright, Hinata?"

He shook his head. "C-can we exchange email addresses..?" She tilted her head, even more puzzled. "Eh?" He shook his arms, and placed one behind his head, "i-if that's a no, then that's fine!"

She chuckled, "ah, here, Hinata." Ren took out her phone, secretly smiling with glee. "1...2... and there." She sighed, hinting some joy in it. Hinata's face turned red, as he realized what he had done. It was no big deal to Ren, but I guess he had assumed it was.

It got a little awkward, but Hinata decided to keep her email in his contacts by sending you one. Ren's phone vibrated, making her smile at the boy who had been staring down at his own mobile, very intently.

Hinata Shoyou ^-^

4:13 pm

Uwwaaaah! Yoshida-kun! Your background picture on your phone is so cool!

She chuckled, and looked up to the boy. Unlocking the screen, she went back to it. "Ah, this one?" Hinata nodded shyly, before slanting his eyebrows. "Why do these guys look familiar?"

He placed his hand on his chin, and began to think hard. "The generation of miracles..?" Hinata ruffled his hair, "I CAN'T SEEM TO GET THEIR TEAM NAME RIGHT-" Ren's eyes glittered, "you mean Teiko?!" He snapped his fingers, "YES, IT WAS TEIKO."

"Ah! I've never met anyone in the prefecture that knew who they were!" Hinata grinned, "my friend back at Yukigaoka was on the basketball team. They never got to play them, but they said that they were really good." Ren nodded rather quickly, "they're so cool! I look up to them!" She grasped Hinata's hands, "Hinata-san-" His face turned a tomato red color, "j-just Hinata is fine..."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Hinata, let's be friends." He pulled away, and sheepishly scratched his neck, "w-would you look at the time? I'm getting late. BYE YOSHIDA-CHAN!" Ren cringed, Yoshida-chan? She walked away, back to her classroom.

What are you saying, Ren?

Ren then picked up her bag, we're already friends.


"Here, I-I hope you never ask me to do that again..!" Hinata crossed his arms, as Yamaguchi investigated his phone. "Thank you, Hinata-san!"

"Just Hinata is fine." He chuckled, as Tsukishima clicked his tongue. "I still don't get why you didn't ask her yourself." Yamaguchi's cheeks heated. "E-eh? Why would I ask her?"

Tsukishima face palmed, "because you wanted her email, remember?" Yamaguchi, saved her contact, "Ts-Tsukki, don't make it weirder than it already is." The blonde put on the headphones from around his neck. "Tch, whatever."

Does Yamaguchi possibly like Yoshida? Tsukishima snickered, making the two look at him. It's possible.


Jkjk, I just needed to put in KuroBasu, because she likes basketball, so its only naturalv she likes the best team there is lol.

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