How you meet each other

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm so tired and my eyes hurt but here it is!! My first preference! I hope you enjoy because I spent a lot of time on this. Thank you!!

Tony Stark
You're  Peppers assistant and you're being promoted to become the personal assistant of the one and only, Tony Stark. It was your first day of your new job and you walked into the lab in the Avengers  tower to meet your new boss. To get into the lab you had to enter a passcode, which Pepper had lucky provided you with. As the door opened Tony turned round, put his hands up and shouted "security breach!" He gave you a closer look and raised his eyebrows. "Hi I'm Tony, buuut you probably already new that." He walks over to you and gives you a cheeky smile. You keep a straight face and act professional. His joking anyway, so why bother getting involved? "Mr. Stark, my name is ms. (L/N) and I am your new personal assistant." You stare into his eyes, not at all intimidated. "What's your forename?" Tony asked "(Y/N) sir." "(Y/N).." Your name rolled around his tongue. "(Y/N), I like that name. I prefer sweetcheeks though," he smirks. You pass him some paper work he has to sign and fill out. You turn around and head for the stairs. "Ill be in my office if you need me Mr. Stark, and you had better have filled out that paper work by the time I get down here." You called, as you exited the room. Just as you were leaving you heard Tony mutter something under his breathe "Damn, i like a girl who can take control.." You didn't know in what way he meant this, him being Tony Stark and all,but all you could think of is how tiring is going to be working with him. 

Steve Rodgers
It was a cold and snowy day, so you decided to take a stroll in Central Park. You grab your biggest sweater and wrap up in a matching pair of white gloves, scarf and a cute beanie that has with a bobble on the top. As a last minute thing, you grabbed your camera, so you could take loads of photos of the sparkling snow that covered the whole of New York City.

Eventually you made it to Central Park where kids were making snow men and snow angels in the floor. You whip out your camera and get ready to take a picture of the fresh snow falling on the trees when something cold hits you in the face and knocks you over. You sit up and wipe the snow off from you face and stand up, when notice heavy footsteps running towards you. You turn just as you notice a man in a red, white and blue jumper slips on some wet snow and falls next to you, which ends up in you falling down again, this time on the man. You jump up and offer a hand to the man. You get a closer look at him and can't stop staring. He's gorgeous!! "I'm so sorry ma'am, I didn't mean for the snowball you hit you and I'm sorry for making you trip up. Twice. Can you forgive me?please? Ill buy you a coffee where we can warm up an..." You burst out laughing at how cute he his, stuttering and apologising so many times. "Hey, slow down, no need to panic I'm fine, thank you for asking" you reply smiling at him. "Oh my gosh, where are my manners today, my names Steve. Mind me asking what yours is?" Steve replies as he offers his hand to shake. You take it and reply," my names (Y/N) and I would like to go and grab a coffee if your still up for it?" "Of course! Let's go now, the snows starting to come in a lot heavier," says Steve and you both look at the snow falling down from the sky. You both turn and head to the nearest coffee shop and talk for hours.

Clint Barton
You are a level 7 SHIELD agent, and was currently training in the gym that SHEILD provided. You were throwing knives in a stimulation, but struggling to concentrate as you had more important things on your mind than fake people running around. It was Clint. He was your best friend since childhood and he was on a mission in Barcelona and you hadn't heard anything from him in 3 weeks. You were thinking of all the worst case scenarios, being captured and tortured, killed,  everything, when you feel a small gush of wind fly past your forearm. You're brought back to your senses and you notice an arrow had killed one of the stimulation people. You whip your head around to find Clint smiling at you with his arms wide open, a little bit bruised but not severely injured. Your eyes water up and you run into his chest, hugging him and crying. "I though you were dead you idiot, why didn't you contact me!" You cry into him, harmlessly hitting his chest in anger. "Little bird, you know I can't contact anyone whilst on missions, but you know that if I could then you would be the fist person i would call up," he replies, wiping your tears away. "I know. I'm sorry, I'm just overreacting, it's just that your the only thing I have for family." Your parents and brother had died in a bombing while you where on vacation with your friends in another country. That's why you became an agent, so you could save other people's lives when you couldn't save your family's. "I know, i know, but I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, no one can defeat the invincible Hawkeye!" You laugh, dry up the remainders of your tears and take a break, catching up with Clint.

Avengers preferences and Imagines  {SLOW UPDATES}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ