Waking up to them

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You knew Tony always stayed up late, sometimes even into the early morning, working down in the lab, so you tried not to wake him up. You normally woke up to the light creeping into the windows through the gaps in the curtains and today you woke up exactly from that. After a few minutes of just laying there with your eyes shut, you open them to find Tony facing you, still asleep. After realising your legs were tangled with Tony's, you smiled and curled up closer to him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. His eyes fluttered open and he gave you a tired smile.

"Morning honey." You loved his husky voice in the morning.

"Morning baby, go back to sleep, it's still early," you replied, before closing your eyes as he wrapped his arms around you. Soft snores soon filled the room, and you went back to sleep for a few hours, both of you content with each other's company.

You was in the middle of a happy dream when you fell back into consciousness as you felt Steve softly playing with your hair. You sighed happily, and turned your head up to find his big blue orbs looking down back at you. Steve lowered his head so he could reach your lips to give you a kiss. You rubbed your hand up and down his stomach and chest as he wished you a good morning.

"Good morning sweetheart, how are you?" Steve asked.

"I've never been better, how about you?"

"I'm happy knowing your here with me." Steve replied. You hugged him before getting up and walking over towards the ensuite bathroom Tony had installed for you. Steve waited until you had finished before going in, being the gentleman he was. You loved him so much and never wanted to leave him.

You could feel Thor's warm breathe tickling your neck and you tried not to giggle and wake Thor up. You bit the inside of your lip and looked up at the clock, not bothering to try and go back to sleep as it was too late anyway. You slowly untangled yourself from Thor and crept over to the bathroom to get ready, but you stepped on a loose floorboard and Thor woke up, scanning the room for danger. When his eyes rested on you, he relaxed and pouted, noticing you wasn't  in bed with him.

"Morning Blondie, didn't mean to wake you up, I just have an early shift at the vets today." You explained for waking up so early.

"Not to worry Lady (Y/N), but don't I at least get a good morning kiss?" Thor asked, making the puppy-dog face. You laughed and walked over to him and kissed him on the lips.

"At least you have Loki to keep you company" you replied. Thor gave you an odd expression, but it was soon wiped from his face as he realised you were talking about Loki your cat, not his brother. As if on queue, the black fur-ball jumped onto the bed and into Thor's arms. you turned around to get ready for work.

You always tried to make most of the time you had with Clint, as you and him were on missions a lot of the time, but you still loved each other dearly. Today you Woke up to Clint's hand resting on your forearm and you smiled and turned to face him. You smirked when you noticed he didn't have any clothes on apart from some boxers, and you couldn't stop yourself from starring.

"You like what you see?" Clint joked, as he caught you ogling his toned body.

You blushed and turned your head away, embarrassed at being caught, which was weird because you never got flustered around him.

"Hey I'm joking, it's okay!" Clint laughed, and pulled you towards him to give him a hug. You began talking as you didn't want to waste a single moment with each other, and for the rest of the day you never left each other's side.

Natasha woke up just inches from your face. She looked at you to find you smiling and she got up, wrote on a note about where and what she was doing, got changed into her uniform and left, before giving you a kiss on the forehead.


On the occasional day, the two of you would wake up at the same time and chat for a little while, but today wasn't one of those days. Instead of waking up to her beautiful face, you found her side of the bed empty and cold. You sighed and turned around to look at the time. 06:23. Great. You got up and noticed the note on your bedside table. It read:

Be in the gym at the tower at 0615 for training, don't be late.

Even better. You rushed around your apartment looking for your uniform, before rushing off to the tower to meet Natasha. You were late as it was and you didn't want to keep her waiting as she got impatient and moody when you wasn't on time.

When you arrived, you rushed to the gym and noticed Natasha training on her own. She noticed you and you both got ready to practise. This was what it was like most days, and although it was tiring, you loved spending time with her.

Pietro woke up before you, as he couldn't keep still for long. He quietly crept off of the bed and got dressed, before doing some laps around Central Park. You was still asleep by the time he got back to the tower, but when you felt his weight make the bed dip, you woke up to Pietro's face.

"Good morning, good morninggg, it's great to stay up late, good morning, good morning, to youuuuuu," Pietro sang, which was really off-key.

"Good morning to you too speedy." You replied, laughing at Pietro's face when you covered your ears.

"How was your run?"

"It was satisfying. How was your sleep?" He replied whilst tucking his head into the crook of your neck.

"It was perfect, thank you," you whispered. You slowly started playing with his hair, but after 5 minutes, you insisted on getting up so you could go and get ready for work at the gym.

Wanda woke up before you today, and she noticed you was smiling in your sleep. She got curious and read your mind, to see what you was dreaming about. She noticed that you was thinking of her and Wanda got really excited. After about 10 minutes, she woke you up, as she was bored and it was getting late anyway.

"Good morning, beautiful," she whispered.

"Morning Wanda," you replied, slowly opening your eyes.

"How are you feeling"

"Great, why?" You questioned.

"I was only wondering. What do you want to do today?"


"Fine by me."

You both ignored your alarms going off. You rang in sick at work and Wanda called Steve/ Natasha to say that she wouldn't be in training today. You both fell back to sleep and stayed in bed the whole day.

Bucky woke up because of a nightmare, and he was careful not to wake you up so you could have more sleep. He looked over to the clock and read that it was 06:47, so he didn't bother going back to sleep. He carefully got off of the bed, kissed your forehead gently and walked down to the kitchen in the tower, to make you both breakfast.


You woke up and reached out to Bucky's side of the bed, to find it empty and cold. You sat up, rubbed your eyes and hopped out of bed. After grabbing a dressing gown and putting on some slippers, you trudged to the kitchen to find Bucky stood over the hob, frying eggs and cooking bacon. You noticed Wanda and Thor were already up as well, eating cereal whilst watching TV.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." Wanda yawned, giving you a small wave.

"Morning Wanda, Thor." You replied, smiling at them. Bucky turned around, pouting.

"What's wrong with you now Buck?" You asked, hugging him around his waist from behind.

"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but-"

"I never even came down here, none of your saw me, okay?" You shouted, as you walked back up the stairs to your shared bedroom. "I'm still sleep!" You screamed. Bucky chuckled and dished up both of your breakfasts, before pouring some fresh Orange juice and walking up the stairs.

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