You're on your period

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A/N: thank you so much for 7k reads!!! Again, I'm sorry I haven't been updating as often as I would like to. Anyways, enjoy!

Tony would always run you a nice hot bath as soon as you found out you was on your period. He made sure it was relaxing, lighting candles and putting on soft, quiet music so your mood would hopefully be a little better. Whilst you was in the bath, Tony would attempt to make your favourite meal, ordering takeout when he failed. He also got a box of your favourite chocolates which he had stored in a secret cupboard for when it was your time of the month. You would get into some comfy pyjamas and walk to the small living room you had in your quarters in the tower to find your favourite meal and TV show on ready for you. After finishing it, the both of you would share the chocolates until you both fell asleep.

You would make a grocery list and Steve would drive on his motorbike to the shops, making sure he brought everything on the list. The shopping bags mostly contained ice cream, cocktail sausages and Fanta, along with a few important bits and pieces. You would eat the food whilst doing the house work, as it helped distract you and plus, you weirdly enjoyed it. When the day would be over, you and Steve would lay in bed and talked about random stuff as he rubbed your back.

Thor would go to the pharmacy to buy some pain killers, because whenever you was on your period, your cramps were the worst. Whilst he was out he would buy you some flowers and a chocolate cake as it was your favourite. When he got home, you would be spread out on the sofa, hugging you stomach and rocking back and forth. Thor would get you a glass of water and the pills before running to grab his cape, so you could wrap yourself up in it. After the flowers were put in a vase and the cake was on plates, the both of you would fall asleep on the sofa, with Loki your cat in the middle of you.

Clint would always take the time off work and did as much as he could to help you, whether that meant going to the shops to buy 'girly stuff' as Clint put it or simply staying by your side. Living with you whilst you was on your period was like treading on eggshells, so he always made sure he didn't do anything wrong, even though you wouldn't be that mad with him. The day was filled with corny jokes as he tried cheering you up, and by the end of the day you was feeling better but exhausted, so you would both go to bed and sleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.

If you was on your period during a mission, you would normally end up snapping at one of the other agents and cause an argument over something stupid, like what position they was in when they were about to shoot. Once you and Natasha had got home, you would sit on the sofa with a bowl of pretzels and marshmallows, ranting on about the argument, with marshmallows stuffed in your mouth. Natasha would just sit back and listen, only nodding her head or humming during appropriate places as she knew you needed to blow off some steam. Once you had finished, Natasha would light the fire and get both your pyjamas so you could watch TV in the living room.

Exercise. Whenever you cramps were bad, Pietro would always drag you down to the gym to help distract and help the awful pain. As much as you loved exercise, doing it while it was your time of the month wasn't your thing, which sometimes led to you lashing out. After you'd apologise you and Pietro would snuggle up in bed together until you both fell asleep in each other's arms.

You both knew when you was about to come on your period, so when the day finally rolled round, you had a hot water bottle, fluffy socks and comfy pyjamas at the ready. Once you were settled into the bed, Wanda would cater your every need, even if you didn't tell her what you wanted as you felt bad. She would read your mind and rush off to get it, whether it was in the house or not. The rest of the day would be spent cuddling and watching films together, with at least 3 blankets wrapped around you both.

You would both relax on the bed in your room, Bucky being the big spoon with his arms wrapped around your stomach. He would rub your tummy and plant kisses on your head when your cramps got really bad, and whenever you had any weird food cravings, he would go out to the shops and buy it, along with a few DVDs the two of you could watch. You would spend the day watching random films, yourself always complaining about the actors as Bucky laughed.

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