Rainy days

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A/N: just a quick preference because I haven't updated in 5 days or whatever and I have realllllly bad writers block for my preferences saved in my drafts 😓 plus, it's raining and hailing, so I thought about writing this. Anyways, enjoy!

You and Tony loved rainy days, but the other avengers didn't. For some reason, whenever it was raining the both of you felt the need to prank everyone, so as soon as everyone woke up to the rain against the windows, they all watched their backs. You would shake Tony awake and both jump out of bed the second you heard the rain, making up a range of plans. You would switch around Bruce's chemicals(which didn't go well), stole Natasha's phone and upload all her selfies to the TV with no way to turn it off(Nat was pissed off really bad) and place really magnetic magnets all around the tower, so whenever Bucky walked past, they would cling to his metal arm. When the day was over, you both scurried back to your room, as everyone was in a mood and had started chasing you.

Steve would put on old records from the 30s/40s whilst you tidied up your bedroom. Once you had both finished, Steve would pull you into his arms, and the two of you would slow dance to the music around the room, your forehead rested on his chest. Steve would kiss you on your head and when you both finished dancing, you would lay on the bed, with Steve's arms wrapped tightly around your back whilst you lightly mapped out his face with your fingers until you both fell asleep.

Since you loved to cook, and make up your own recipes, you had been thinking about making a 'secret family recipe' book, but you'd never gotten round to it. Now, whenever it's raining, you always add new recipe ideas and methods to your book, with 'Thor's Poptarts' recipe on the first page. Sometimes you would even make some of the stuff with Thor, just for fun.

Whenever it's raining, neither of you can be bothered to go to the tower to train, so you stay at your apartment taking a long, relaxing bubble bath together. Clint tries to make it all romantic with rose petals and candles but by the end, half the candles are in the bathtub and water is all over the floor from where you was having tickle fights in the bath. You still make it relaxing by washing each other's hair and body though.

When it's raining, you and Natasha like to snuggle up on to couch and read. Your head would be on her chest and Nat would run her hands through your hair whilst you both read your favourite books, listening to the wind and rain. Sometimes, Natasha would read her book out loud to you or vice versa. By the end of the day, the both of you would be asleep against each other and when Nat woke up before you, she would carry you back to your bedroom.

Rainy days always made Pietro sad and gloomy, so the only way to cheer him up was with candy. You would both get dressed in warm coats and boots, as you couldn't drive yet. The candy shop was only a few blocks away, and as soon as you arrived, Pietro would run around deciding on what to buy. The shop was old fashioned, so the candy was all in jars and had to be weighed. Pietro would pick up a blue and white paper bag and use the scoop so full the bag with different candy. You brought a bag of ABC candy whilst Pietro would buy the whole shop. You would go both go back to the tower and eat the candy, listening to the rain.

The both of you enjoyed the rain, because of how calming it was and because it gave you an excuse to make a den to watch films inside. You would gather up loads of cushions and blankets, whilst Wanda made the actual den. You would order a pizza, one each, and wait for the pizza to arrive before switching on the DVD you'd both chosen on your laptop. Normally the film would be a comedy or something romantic, but whenever the weather outside was really bad, you would pluck up the courage and watch a horror movie, much to Wanda's delight and your dismay.

When you first moved into the tower with Bucky, you went off exploring the place. You had stumbled upon a small room, filled with old dusty board games. Now, whenever it's raining and there's nothing to do, yourself and Bucky go down to the 'games room' and choose a game to play. You would go back to your shared bedroom before grabbing a drink and snack and playing the game, the soft patter of rain against the windows.

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