Your sick

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A/N: I know it's short, I'm sorry. Anyways, enjoy!

He would gather up loads of blankets and food and sit with you all day watching Modern Family and Re-runs of Friends. He made his one of his ironman suits get everything you requested, so he didn't have to leave your side.

Steve would fret over you every 2 minutes. This time, you had broken your leg by slipping on some water. Natasha had took you to the hospital and called Steve to let him know, and within 10 minutes he was carrying you into the car and driving back to the tower, where he never took his eyes off of you. You had told him that you was fine, and you could walk as you had crutches, but he wouldn't allow it and catered your every need, even though you tried to make your requests smaller and less frequent.

Thor didn't know what to do, even though it was just a
common cold. He started worrying, even though you told him you're okay, and quickly went up to Asgard to get some medicines from Eir. Whilst he was up there, he found some bath oils and luxuries to bring back down for you. When he came back, which was just after an hour or two, he ran you a warm bath and grabbed your warmest pjs. He made you soup and tea for when you came out and gave you the medicines he had gathered.

You had a Netflix day, and you just talked and messed around while Clint fed you your medicine. He even fed you your food, pretending his hand was an aeroplane like you was a baby, which made you laugh. You actually enjoyed being ill because Clint always took time off work to look after you, even though Fury wasn't impressed.

Whenever your ill, you just deal with it, and continue your training, unless it's serious like a broken leg or something. Natasha normally just leaves you to it, because she knows that you wont listen to her persuading, no matter how hard she tries.

This time, you was sick, and Pietro had ran to the bathroom and was right by your side, holding up your hair and gently  rubbing your back. He would run you a shower and lay out your PJ's on the bed for when you had finished. He put (insert favourite movie) into the TV, and brought up loads of blankets and water for you. He gave you some medicine and within two days, you felt as good as new.

Wanda entertained you with her magic and tried to see if her powers could heal you, but they couldn't. She picked up the medicine at the pharmacy and made sure you had it every 4 hours. If you refused, she gave you the death glare, which freaked you out, so you always took your medication on-time.

Cuddles. That's exactly what Bucky would give you. Steve would offer to help as well, like the grocery shopping and stuff, because Bucky didn't want to leave you. You just laughed at Bucky and thanked Steve, but turned down the offer as you said you could do it yourself.

I just wanted to add in what jobs you have, just to make it more clearer for you.(some of them I've mentioned in the the past preferences but I'll add them here as well):

Tony- personal assistant
Steve- interior designer/artist
Thor- vet
Clint- level 7 SHIELD agent
Natasha- level 6 SHIELD agent
Pietro- fitness instructor
Wanda- a midwife
Bucky- primary school teacher( I don't know what it's like in America, sorry. But the age group for the kids are around 4-10 years old)

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