They ask you out on a date (Tony, Thor, Clint and Natasha)

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A/N: So on the last preference, Pietro and Steve already kind of asked you out on a date, so they won't be included in this one. Some of them are long, while others are quite short. Hope you enjoy!
(F/F) - favourite flowers
(F/C) - favourite colour

Tony Stark
You had been Tony's assistant for about 5 weeks now, and Tony never left you alone, always bugging you to go out on a date with him. Of course, you rejected, as he was your boss and had a history for being a playboy.

Today you was in your office, arranging numerous meetings which Tony probably wouldn't even bother to attend to, when you heard a beeping noise signalling something was wrong down in the lab. Bruce was off out doing some research, so he couldn't help with the situation. You rushed downstairs to see what was wrong, as you was the only other person in the building.

When you arrived, you entered the passcode and hurried in, expecting there to be a fire or an explosion. But no. The ceiling was hidden behind huge (F/C) balloons. You looked at Tony, and walked closer. He was wearing a black suit with a black tie, holding a bouquet of your (F/F) and chocolates. Let's just say Tony had outdone himself and was obviously determined to get you out on a date with him.

"So, (Y/N), will you do me the honour of going out on a date with me?" Asked Tony, you were surprised at the tone of nervousness in his voice.
You look around and then back at his face. You consider, seeing as his gone through this much effort to prove to you that he generally means it.

"Sure Tony, I'll go on a fate with you,"you replied, taking the flowers Tony had handed to you and smiled.

"Really?" Asked Tony, a smile creeping up on this lips.

"Okay, I'll meet you here at 7pm tomorrow, and wear something formal, but casual," Tony replied, whilst having the biggest grin plastered across his face.

You turn around and head for the stairs, surprisingly excited about tomorrow.
"It's a date," you call out, confirming what Tony had instructed you to do.

"It's a date."

Thor Odinson
You were doing some grocery shopping, trying to decide what cereal you wanted, when you heard someone stomping on the floor.

"Where are the Poptarts, I need them instantly, and some mortal has decide to take the last box!" Cried a low, but loud voice. You turned your head to find Thor, sitting cross-legged on the floor, folding his arms and making an angry face.

"Thor!" You burst out laughing, walking over to wear he was sitting. He looked up and smiled, remembering you from the other night.

"Lady (Y/N)!" He cried, standing up to hug you, nearly crushing your bones.

"You need some more Poptarts?" You asked, putting your hands on you hips.

"Yes but there are no more left, and I'm hungry," moaned Thor.

"Right then, let's go to another shop, I could do with some Poptarts as well."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Exclaimed Thor, running out of the shop, but ended up going through the wrong doors and smacks his face on the glass.

"Uhh, wrong way Thor, and I need to pay for this stuff first," you call out whilst paying.

"Sorry mildly, I forgot, I am not used to this Midgardian culture just quite yet."

After you paid and went through the correct doors, you went to another shop to buy 20 boxes of Poptarts(Thor persuaded you) and back to your apartment where you both ate and talked for hours.

Clint Barton
After catching up with Clint, you went back to the gym, relieved that he was fine. As you walked through the double doors, you noticed Natasha and Steve sparring, you watched in awe, amazed at how skilled they were at fighting. You mentally noted down some moves they both did, as you needed a little more practise on Hand-to-hand combat. You could ace knife-throwing and shooting guns, Clint had even started to help you master archery, but fighting up close just wasn't your thing.

"You ready (Y/N)?" Called Natasha. You look up at her, her eyebrows raised, and you already know she's going to be victorious.

"As ready as I'll ever be," you mutter, whilst climbing the stairs to the podium.

"So, how's Clint?" Smirks Natasha. She's the only one who knows about your feelings for Clint. You didn't want to ruin your friendship with him though, so you never said anything. And plus, he would never like you in that way, would he?

"Yeah, he's good, just a few cuts and bruises," you reply.

15 or so minutes into sparring, the Black Widow clearly winning, you heard footsteps coming closer, but you didn't take any notice of who it was until they spoke.

"Hey Natasha, ready for our.. Oh, (Y/N) I didn't know this was your session, Natasha said.. Doesn't matter, I'll just be leaving.."

"No need, Fury needs me, you can continue with (Y/N)." Natasha replied, smirking at both of you as the walked down the steps. As she walked past Clint, she nudged him and said something, but it was barely a whisper, so you couldn't hear what she said. Clint turned red and scratched his back. By the look of Clint's face, he obviously new what was going on.

"Hey," you say as you walk over to him. "What's up with you and Romanoff?" You continue, a little heart-broken at the fact that you thought that Natasha was flirting with Clint.

"Hey, uhhh, nothing, your getting better at fighting by the way do you want to go out for dinner sometime?" Clint's stammered, so fast that you had to ask him to repeat himself.

"I, uh, umm, I mean you don't have to but...."

"HE WANTS TO GO OUT WITH YOU ON A DATE" screamed Natasha, so loud that the whole of S.H.I.E.L.D probably heard.

"I would love to go to dinner with you Clint," you smiled as you hugged him and walked over to the stimulation to practise, leaving Clint speechless.

Natasha Romanoff
It was about 1 month since you had been rescued by S.H.I.E.L.D. You found out that you were captured to be taken to Africa to be forced as slaves, but luckily you all escaped.

After meeting Natasha, you applied to become a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent and today was your first day. Due to previous jobs, you were starting out as a level 6 agent. You were good in combat and could handle a gun perfectly and you could also speak over 25 different languages, so Nick Fury accepted you relatively fast.

You were being given a tour around the 'Helicarrier' when you recognised the woman, Natasha, who saved you.

"Natasha!" You shouted. She turned her head and smiled walking over when she notices you.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?!" Exclaimed Natasha.

"I'm just starting my job today, Maria here was just giving me a tour."

"Well, I'll leave you girls to catch up, Fury needs me." Calls Maria, as Natasha continues the tour.

"Level 6 agent? That's pretty impressive for a first time agent."

"Yeah well, my previous jobs kind of help boost me a bit."

After talking the whole day about each other, the Avengers and work, you decide to call it a day.

"Well I'm going to head back to my room now, see you tomorrow Nat" you said while yawning.

"What if you come back to my room, watch some TV or something?" She offered.

"Sure, I'd like that," you replied.

You ended up watching Orange Is The New Black and Scream Queens.

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