Together again>>> Avengers? Imagine

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A/N: I saw this idea on Twitter and I really wanted to turn it into a story. Thank you all so much for 4K views! I love you all so much! I know this is kinda unrealistic but I love the idea of it. This is kinda crap, but oh well (This is before CA:TWS) Enjoy! x

Credit: @ Hawksighh on Twitter.

Tony was holding a Christmas party at the tower, which was strictly Avengers only. You had been helping Tony plan the party for about a month, and everything was in place for tomorrow night. You was finishing the final touches now, so you could actually join in with everyone for once.

"Babe, has the catering staff got everything?" Tony called from the other room. You walked over towards the boxes full of alcohol, your heels clicking against the marble floor and checked off everything you had ordered.

"Yeah!" you answered, still searching through the boxes. You came across a box that was different from all the others, so you looked through it. You found a record player with records from the 40's.

"Tony, what are these for?" You asked. Tony came into the room and walked towards you.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," he answered, kissing your temple and turning his focus onto the boxes of scotch and beer. You put the records back into the box and went to check on everything else.


The next day, the Avengers were all either dotted around the sofas or dancing away to the loud music, glasses of alcohol in their hands. You took a sip of your tequila and sat down next to Steve, who was staring at everyone having fun.

"What's wrong?" You asked him, easing your eyebrows.

"It's just, weird you know? Back in the 40s we never celebrated Christmas like this," he muttered.

"There has to be more than that," you smiled, nudging his shoulder to make him continue.

"It's Peggy and Bucky. I miss them," he sighed, holding his head in his hands. You wrapped an arm around him, and comforted him, though it was clear he wanted to be left alone.

You sighed and walked over to Tony, who was only half drunk, much to your surprise.

"I feel bad for Steve, I want to cheer him up," you sighed as the both of you turned to look at his slouched body. You turned back to Tony and his face lit up, like he had forgotten something.

"What's the time?" He called out, shouting over the music. You looked at your watch.

"19:20, why?" You asked, a confused look on your face. Tony smirked and turned around to walk off somewhere.

"Where are you going?!" You called out.

"You'll see!" He shouted, still smiling. You shook your head and decided to join in with Natasha dancing, whilst Tony was doing god knows what.

After about half an hour, Tony was still no where to be seen and Steve was still sulking. You was surprised that everyone wasn't even drunk that much, and most people were sat on the sofas talking and getting up to their usual antics.

The loud music suddenly stopped and everyone's ears were numb from the sudden silence. Everyone shut up and looked to see what was going on.

"Y/N, what is happening?" Thor asked. You shook your head and lifted your shoulders. Slow, music began to play around the room and you went to go and find out what was going on.

When you got out of the room, you found Tony adjusting the record player that was playing the music you had round the previous day. Somehow, he was able to play it throughout the tower.

"Tony what are you doing?" You asked, walking towards him. He looked up at you and smiled, moving out of the way so you could see what was behind him. More like who was behind him. You gasped and raised your hands to your mouth.

"How did you-"

"Tony Stark always gets his way, but you can't tell anyone, promise?" Tony replied.

"Promise," you replied and you smiled at the person. You turned around and walked back to the party, a huge grin spread across your face.

"Uh oh, what's wrong?" Clint asked, as he saw you walk back.

"Nothing, nothings wrong, everything is fine!" You gushed, probably sounding like a psycho. You looked at Steve, who had his eyebrows crossed.

"I remember this song, back from the 40s," he whispered, looking around the room. He went back to sulking. Everyone turned around when Tony's loud voice rumbled around the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know your probably thinking 'what the hell is going on". Well I have your answer and your answer is behind me."

Tony turned around and everyone gasped. Somewhere you could hear a glass smashing against the floor.

"It's that who I think it is?" Natasha asked, her eyes wide. Everyone was starring wide eyed at the person, except for Steve, who was still sulking.

"Steve, I'm ready for my dance," the feminine voice spoke, a little bit croaky, but still detectable.

Steve's head shot right up, his mouth hanging slightly open.

"P, Peggy?" He questioned, still wondering now wether or not he was hallucinating.

"Close your mouth, Steve, you'll catch flies!" The woman laughed. Peggy was seated in a wheelchair, Tony begin the one to push her towards Steve.

"It's been.. Seventy years. Seventy years!" Steve whispered, his lips turning up into a smile.

"This isn't The Stork Club, but it'll do. Now, are you going to ask me or was this all a waste of time," Peggy smiled. Her grey hair was styled in tight curls, and she was wearing her clothes the care home had provided her.

"Peggy Carter, will you give me the honour of this dance?" Steve asked, lowering his hand. Peggy took it and Steve helped her out of the wheelchair.

The music changed to a slower one from the 40s and the two began to slowly dance around the room, Steve supporting Peggy.

Everyone smiled and cheered as they danced around the room. You walked over to Tony, resting your head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around your waist.

"You did well," you whispered, looking up at him.

"Yeah well, I knew Spangles would need some cheering up, and it sure has put a smile on his face," Tony replied. You sighed in content and continued to watch the two dancing, finally together after seventy years.

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