You get nervous

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A/N: Im sorry for not updating, but I literally have ZERO inspiration or motivation to write anything, and I literally am trying my hardest; writers block is the worst. In past preferences I may have said something what you do when your nervous, but I'm just going to write this preference without searching back and noting down if I have or not mentioned this before. BTW I know this isn't the most fun of preferences, but I wanted to update. Anyways, enjoy!

When your nervous, you normally fiddle with your fingers and hands, doing anything to distract yourself from the situation you was in. If Tony was ever around when you was nervous, he would grab you hands and pull them into his, running his thumb across them and giving you a reassuring smile.

Whenever you found yourself in an uncompftable situation, it was your natural instinct to bite your nails, sometimes doing it without yourself knowing. You barley had any nails from biting on them so much, so when you realised you'd been biting them, you forced yourself to stop and do something to distract yourself from biting your nails and the current situation.

When you get nervous and you're standing up, your legs begin to tremble, and you'll begin to fidget a lot. When you're sat down, you normally rub your hands up and down your legs, or sit on your hands, so you would stop fidgeting.

When you get nervous, its normally about a dangerous mission Fury had assigned you on. You normally start fiddling with your hair, twirling it around your fingers or raking your hand through the soft locks. If you was that stressed out, you would end up picking out the few split ends you had, making a note to get your hair cut.

When you get nervous, you try not to show it, especially when you're on missions or around Nat. You knew how strong Natasha was and you didn't want to seem weak in front of her, even if she was your girlfriend. To make sure she didn't notice, you would bite the inside of your mouth, even though you knew she noticed sometimes. When Nat did realise you was feeling a bit tense, she would nudge you hip and try to make you smile, even if that meant that she had to crack a few cheesy jokes she'd learnt off Clint.

For yourself, being nervous was a rarity, but whenever you found yourself uneasy, you would automatically graze your fingers along one of your collarbones, the other hand against you stomach, supporting your shoulder. You didn't know how or why you started doing it, but it became a habit when you felt timid.

When you felt uneasy, you would almost always go and look for Wanda, as her presence made you feel a bit more comfortable and relaxed. When you found her, you would run into her arms whilst she whispered reassuring words in your ears. Wanda would always make you take about what you was nervous about, seeing as it made you feel better.

When you get nervous, you would grip onto any surface that was in reach, clasping it so hard that you knuckles would often turn white. Doing so made you feel safe, and that the situation you was in would be over soon. If Bucky was with you when you got agitated, then he would wrap his arm around your shoulder and give it a squeeze, to say that he was there if you needed him.

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