Your superpowers

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A/N: In this preference book, you don't have these powers unless stated at the beginning (in the A/N) or if I mention them in the story. you can obviously pick the colours of your powers(in some cases) but I put my favourite colour In one of them, sorry I couldn't resist! Anyway I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed thinking of different superpowers😂.

Your power was to be able to see the future, but only at limited times. Sometimes a vision would just randomly come to you, and you had to warn the Avengers to be ready. The bad thing is that you can see the future, but not when it happens. You can also see when a person is about to die, but you don't tell anyone about that, not even Tony and you don't look because it scares you.

You basically had Wanda's powers, but you could also control people's mind. This only happened when you got angry, but you didn't know what you were doing. Let's just say one time Tony took a prank a bit to far and it turned into a life-death situation until Steve calmed you down and stopped you from potentially killing Tony Stark.

You could control the four elements; fire, water, air and Earth. Being able to control the elements gave you some pretty cool tricks, like being able to walk on water and levitate in the air. Thor loved your powers, but got a bit jealous when you could create huge winds to knock him over. After all, no one can defeat the mighty Thor! (Well, anyone but you)

You could create force fields. This took up a lot of your energy and you could only make small ones, but after help and training from Wanda, you could make huge force fields to cover hundreds of people without having to catch your breath. Clint was very proud of you.

You had the ability to fly without wings and had super strength, so you could carry Natasha on your back and fly at night in the stars. This was your favourite thing to do and you would almost always grab some ice cream and go on the biggest hill and talk about the universe.

You could teleport anywhere, anytime, but you couldn't take more than 2 other people with you. Pietro thought your powers where cool and bits of purple mist appeared when you teleported. The only thing that Pietro didn't like was how whenever you had races, you would always get there first. Finally someone could out-speed the speedster (well, kind of).

You could shape-shift into anyone and mimic their voices. Wanda and you loved playing pranks on the other Avengers by pretending to be someone(like Clint's girlfriend) and Clint believing it was really her.

You could freeze time and slow down your ageing. At first, this freaked you out, because you could freeze time around the whole world, and only you would realise. You liked the idea of slower ageing though, as Bucky would live longer like Steve, and you could live with him until he died.

QOTD: If you could have any superpower what would it be, and what would be your superhero name?

AOTD: I would have powers like Scarlet Witch but they would be lilac/purple colour. I would probably be called Violet Mischief? I think that I would be a hero but could mess around sometimes so I think it would fit.

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