Going on holiday

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I'm so sorry this is late!!!

if your reading this, then wattpad hasn't fucked up.

Wanda's is literally the shortest, I'm so so sorry, but Thor's is Really long. I don't even know what happened during Steve's, I just got carried away ;) Anyways, Enjoy!

Being Tony Starks girlfriend had the pros and also the cons. For example; paparazzi- con. The Thought of your boyfriend dying every second he was away from you- con. Life being an unexpected rollercoaster- kind of a con, but also a pro. So when Tony surprised you with a holiday completely out of the blue, you just stood there, dumbfounded.

"Is this a joke, please say this isn't a joke. I haven't been on holiday for ages." You whispered.

"It's not a joke, I've arranged for us to go on holiday for- wait for it, wait for it...... 2 MONTHS!" Tony shouted, scooping you up off your feet and spinning you around.

"Oh my gosh, that's amazing! But what will Steve say? You can't just stop being an avenger for a whole 2 months," you replied, staring at him like he was stupid.

"Honey, since when do I ever listen to Steve? Plus, Rhodey said he would take over the role of 'ironman' until I get back." Tony replied, smiling brightly at you.

"But what about my-"

"I've asked Pepper to cover for you until we come back" Tony answered.

"But I haven't got any-"

"I went to the mall and brought a load of new clothes for you."

"Okay then, it's sorted. When do we leave?" You asked, bubbling with excitement. At that moment Pepper walked into the room, smiling at you.

"The answer is now. Thanks Pepper!" Tony called as he grabbed hold of your wrist and dragged you out of the room.

"THANK YOU!" You shouted, hoping Pepper had heard you.

You arrived in the private jet, both trying to decide on where to go.

"How about we just travel the world? Stay in one place for a week and then move onto the other. We have the money, so why not?" Tony questioned, looking up at you.

"Yes! Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" You screamed, hugging Tony.

"So where first?"

"I think Hawaii, and then wherever we feel like." You decided.

"Hawaii it is then," Tony finalised, telling the pilot where to fly to.

You spent the next 2 months visiting loads of countries, ignoring all the troubles from back home, and the numerous calls from Steve. By the time you came back, you had an amazing tan, and The Avengers had recruited a new member.

You had been hinting to Steve that you wanted to go on holiday, since the two of you had never been abroad together before.

You gave up when you thought Steve hadn't taken the hint, and carried on as normal. Then, one day, you was walking into the lounge when you noticed Natasha trying to help Steve with something on the computer.

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