Bad habits

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Warnings: swearing, frisky make-out, btw Clint's is kind of crap, but please tell me what you think! Enjoy!

You walked down to the lab to give Tony his lunch as he hadn't come up for it. As you walked into the room, you found Tony jumping at your entrance and shoved something behind his back, which he thought you hadn't noticed, but you did.

"I've brought down your lunch seeing as you couldn't make it up the tiresome stairs yourself," you muttered, before settling the plate next to his work bench.

"Thanks sweetheart, you should probably leave, this part's going to be a bit dangerous," Tony warns before trying to shove you away, which he amazingly failed at.

"I know your hiding something, and I'm not leaving until I find out what." You replied, pushing him away before beginning your search around the room. When you went around the lab, you would watch Tony's expression, to see whether or not you was near something. Finally, when you reached a small hidden box under the table, you turned around with an angry expression on your face, whilst holding up a half-empty bottle of scotch. You looked further into the hidden box and found about 15 other bottles of liquor, scotch and vodka.

"Anthony Edward Stark, you promised me that you would stop drinking, or at least cut down when we started dating?! Especially in a work place where it is dangerous!" Your voice rose until you where shouting at the top of your lungs, glaring at him until he spoke.

"It was only a few-"

"Only a few, are you taking the piss? There's at least 13 bottles in there and you say 'only a few'?

You grabbed the box and ran up to the kitchen, Tony trailing behind you and pleading you to stop, as he knew exactly what you was doing.

"Don't do it, please sweetheart, I'll promise it'll never happen again, I swear-"

"You already promised and now you've broken it." You reached the sink and grabbed the first bottle, pouring the contents down the drain. Tony clung to your leg like a baby, praying for you to stop. You stopped, and there were about 7 bottles left, so you passed them to Tony, who was now literally hugging the remaining bottles.

"But i swear, if I catch you breaking the promise again, I'll chuck every. Single. One. Understand?" You felt like you was telling of a child for eating to many sweets.

"I promise. I love you (Y/N)." Tony replied. He understood why you didn't like him drinking. You hugged him and whispered you loved him back, before going back to work. Tony kept his promise most of the time from then onward.

Recently, loads of people had been contacting you to help design and decorate new rooms for them, so you had loads of planning to do, because you had to draw at least 3 different designs for each client. The stress finally got to you, and by the end of the week, you noticed your fingernails were practically non-existent. You scolded yourself for not listening to Steve when he told you to stop biting them. It was going to take weeks, maybe even months to grow back to their proper length!

You was watching TV, whilst examining you nails, again, when Steve walked in front of you and grabbed your hands.

"I'm trying to watch TV, what are you-"

"I told you to stop biting them, I told you this would happen. What's happened now that's got you so stressed," asked Steve, who sat down next to you and started smoothing your palm. You hadn't seen much of him the whole week, and this was probably the first relaxed conversation you've had with him.

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