Dream tag

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I was tagged by Yavanna80 and Angel_Of_Death6 so here it is!!

1. Dream pet
A grey fluffy kitten or a brown rabbit -my last rabbit died:(-

2. Dream career
An interior designer or a neuroscientist/cognitive scientist. Anything to do with art or the brain and I'll be happy :)

3. Dream boyfriend/husband
Bucky. Fricking. Barnes. Ughhhhhhh you guys don't understand my love for him,, just gIVE HIM TO ME

4. Dream house
Maybe before kids I'd have a nice big apartment, the ones you see on tumblr and stuff?? And then after kids I'd move in to a 4 bedroom house. Also, a treehouse, who doesn't what one of those?!

5. Dream family
For some reason I'm obsessed with wanting twins (probably because of Wanda and Pietro) except I would never let an evil metal robot kill him. Also, maybe another third child. Tbh if I ever have a son I'm just gonna call him James so everyone will think 'what a nice normal name' and I'll be like AHAHAHA JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES BITCHES YES.

6. Dream city
London!!!! I swear when I've finished my education and got a drivers license I'm gonna move up there, I can't stand the city I'm from.

7. Dream vehicle
Ummm?? I don't really know, but I think MINI Coopers are cute so maybe that? I'm not really bothered about what car I drive, at least not yet anyway, I'm 15 not 20.

8. Dream best friend
idk, someone who I can mess around with but also be chill and non awkward??? I don't really have a 'dream' bestfriend

9. Fictional character that you want to be related to
Get ready guys, here I go....I'm obsessed someone stop me

Bucky -- husband and dorky best friend
Steve -- best friend// practically family and would totally be the god father of mine and Bucky's children *sighhhh*
Wanda -- calm and collective but cool best friend, going on shopping trips and girly stuff etc
Natasha-- sarcastic best friend, but always there for me, pranking the boys and having cute movie dates with Wanda; also god mother of children
Tony-- awesome friend, the two of us roasting everyone and always messing around with people, but helping out with relationship problems when Steve's not around.
Sam-- cool older brother
Pietro-- a younger brother figure, but not related

10. Dream hairdo
Long, reallllllly long, and either a white-blond colour or grey, I wanna dye my hair lilac grey so bad.

11. Last dream
I dreamt about my horrible English teacher coming back to school, since she's on maternity leave, but she  comes back in a few months. I literally woke up panicking,  I HATE HER.


And of course anyone else who wants to do it!!!

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