Halloween costumes + what you do

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A/N: Happy Halloween! (If you celebrate it of course)

You and Tony dressed up as the Joker and Harley Quinn(AN, have you seen the new Empire covers for Suicide Squad? I'm not a big DC fan but they look so good!!). For Halloween, Tony obviously arranged a Halloween fancy dress party at the tower. You wanted to go out trick or treating, but Tony promised you next year. Besides, the party was amazing anyway!

You and Steve brought two enormous pumpkins and carved them into funny faces. Afterwards you ended up having a pumpkin fight, laughing while you chucked seeds and the horrible sticky stuff at each other. When you both cleaned yourself up, you went on a walk around Central Park, drinking PSL's (pumpkin spiced lattes), watching the red and orange leaves fall to the ground. In the end, you both went to the lounge in the Avengers tower, watching scary movies with Tony and Pepper.
If you had dressed up, you would have been a corpse bride and a skeleton.

You and Thor dressed up as Mario and Luigi since Thor loved playing all the Mario games on the Xbox. And since it was Thor's first Halloween, you went all out there and decorated your apartment with decorations. After, you went out trick or treating, much to Thor's delight. 

Tony had arranged a little Halloween gathering at the tower, just for the avengers, but you had to dress up to get in. You dressed up as Katniss Everdeen while Clint dressed up as Legolas. When you arrived, you all had a few drinks, playing truth or dare and spin the bottle. After, you just watched films and you fell asleep so you stayed over in the avengers tower in Clint's room.

Natasha dressed up in her normal SHEILD uniform, and added a mask and cat ears. You done the same and went to a Halloween festival. The only downside was that you only had an hour to enjoy yourself, as you both had work to do.

Pietro being the big kid he was, dressed up as Scooby Doo, while you dressed as Velma. You went out trick or treating, visiting hundreds of houses thanks to Pietro's power to get you there and collecting loads of candy. After, you went to a corn maze and got lost for about an hour before you finally reached the exit. Then you went home and ate pumpkin pie and sweets, whilst watching TV.

You and Wanda dressed up as Captain America and Ironman, because you thought it would be funny. You went to a haunted house that took about 3 hours to get through, and by the time you got out, you were a wreck. Wanda on the other hand loved it, but she knew you wouldn't be doing that anytime soon. 

You both weren't a fan of Halloween, as you didn't see the point of it. But you always had sweets for the kids who knocked on your door. You and Bucky watched scary films all night, hiding your face in Bucky's chest when something scary came on. If you and Bucky went out for Halloween, you would probably dress up as Dorothy and the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.

QOTD: what are you dressing up as for Halloween?

AOTD: I'm probably going as a cat or something boring, haha.

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