They're jealous

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A/N: inspiration is running dry so I've missed out Pietro's, sorry! I can probably think of a situation for him, but I don't know how to go about writing it. I've just realised Bucky's is like an argument as well as jealousy, but oh well. Anyways, enjoy!

He hated to admit it, but sometimes he got jealous. For example: Steve. The moment the two of you met, you both became good friends, and Tony wasn't overly happy that you were close with the man he despised.

"Tony, I'm going shopping with Natasha and Steve," you called out to him as you where getting ready. Tony was still asleep on the bed, but as soon as you mentioned his name, his eyes opened and he shot right up.

"What? Where are you going? Why is he going? Don't you think Steve will-"

"Tony, we're going shopping,  what's so wrong about that?" You laughed as you put in some small stud earrings.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that it's Steve?" He answered sarcastically.

"Awh, is Tony Stark jealous of Stevie?" You cooed, walking up to him.

"What? No, I'm not jealous, why would I be jealous?" Tony retorted, crossing his arms.

"I don't know, 'maybe the fact that it's Steve'" you mimicked Tony. He sighed and you laughed, kissing him on the lips.

"I love you, and you only. Me and Steve are friends, just like you and Nat are friends and you don't see me whining. If it's really bothering you, then you can come with us," You smiled. Tony jumped up and began getting ready, the fastest you'd ever seen him change! You sighed and turned to get ready before walking down to meet Steve and Nat, Tony beside you.

"What's he-" Natasha asked. You rolled your eyes and told her you'd explain later. Tony on the other hand, was giving Steve the worst death stare ever.

"Tony, don't be mean," you hissed.

"I wasn't doing anything!" He whined. You shook your head and you all made your way to the mall, Tony glaring at Steve every 10 seconds. This was going to be a fun shopping trip.

You and Steve were sat together on the sofa watching a horror movie, with your head rested on his shoulder when your phone lit up and made a buzzing sound. You both turned your heads and you picked it up to see your friend had text you.

"Who is it?" Steve asked, his eyes still fixed on the TV.

"Just a friend, don't worry about it" you replied. You texted back your friend and put the phone down, turning you attention back to the scary movie. After a few minutes of huddling into Steve's shirt, your phone went off again. You answered your friends text, until the two of you began a conversation. Steve began to notice that you wasn't paying attention to him or the film, so he grabbed the remote and paused it. When you still hadn't noticed the silent room, Steve coughed, which caught your attention.

"Why've you turned the film off babe?" You mumbled, only half concentrating on him. When Steve hadn't replied you tore your attention away from the phone and looked up at him. His elbow was rested on the arm of the chair, and his chin was sat in his hand. He gave you a quick side glance, and looked away, only to do a double take.

"Oh I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" He asked, his eyebrows raised. "It's just that I was admiring that plant pot over there, so I didn't quite hear you talking to me. Oops, My bad." He turned away again so he was staring at thin air.

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