You use your superpower

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A/N: I thought it would be fun to make a preference about how and when you use your superpower. This is kind of an au, because in the previous/future preferences you don't have these powers, but everything else (relationship stuff blah blah blah) is all the same.

(I'm sorry if this is confusing, comment or message me if you don't understand)

I'm telling you, some of these are long, Clint's one has like 42 paragraphs or something, so I hope you like it. Ive literally be writing this for about 2 weeks and I  can't think of anything for Natasha's and I really want to upload this, so Natasha doesn't have one, sorry. Anyways, enjoy!

•Steve's has a little bit of smut.

You was just taking a nap since you had a really bad headache and felt dizzy. You knew that whenever that happened, you was going to see a glimpse into the future, that was the side affects of your power. You braced yourself and went to sleep, to see what the future would hold.

You woke up, not bothering to see what the time was, and rushed down to the lab to try and find Tony. When you got there, he wasn't anywhere in sight, and you noticed that on the way down there, you hadn't seen anyone else either.

"JARVIS, where's Tony and the others," you asked, hopping on each foot. You had bad news. Real bad news.

"Tony and the other Avengers were sent out on an emergency mission. Is there something bothering you? You seem distressed." The al replied.

"J, get my suit ready and tell me where Tony is. I've just seen something really bad."

"Right away ms. (Y/L/N)."

You rushed over to your ironman suit Tony had made for you, and sped off into the Thursday afternoon air. JARVIS had given you the coordinates of Tony's whereabouts and you was heading there now. At least it wasn't that far away.

"J, connect me to their comms please." You breathed, panicking. If you didn't warn Tony, it would be to late. You heard the crackling of the comm and then all of the avengers voices, talking frantically.

"Guys! Listen to me!" You shouted. No one had realised you was listening to them and they all shut up when you shouted.

"Honey, what the hell are you doing? Where are you?" Tony shouted. You flinched at the loudness of his voice in your ear.

"I saw something. You need to get out of there now, it's a trap!" You cried. "I saw you and everyone trapped in a room, stripped of your weapons and was being burnt alive by hot lava. You need to leave. where are you?"

"We're by this abandoned brick building, we just need to check it ou-"

"DON'T YOU DARE GO IN THERE. THATS WHERE MY VISION STARTED, DON'T GO IN." You screamed, making the suit go as fast as it could.

You was only about a quarter of a mile away from the destination when you felt the worst pain ever in your life. It felt like someone was stabbing you repeatedly in the brain, and it hurt so much you stopped concentrating and crashed against the concrete floor. You was still awake when you witnessed another vision.

Brick walls. Lava. The avengers are all trying to escape, but there is no way out. A gas fills the room that knocks them all unconscious, even Steve. A blurry figure enters the chamber and injects a serum in all of them. You see them opening their eyes and you enter the room, before being strangled by-

Your vision cuts off and you sit up, panting heavily. Your head still hurt from the fall, but that wasn't your priority right now, it was making sure the Avengers were safe. You looked up to find Tony staring at you worriedly.

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