Your worst fears

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A/N I'm sorry Thor and Wanda's is so short, inspiration left me >.< Tony's and Steve's are quite long, I got carried away. Anyway, enjoy!! I haven't checked for mistakes, so I'm sorry in advance if you find some!

Warnings: thinking about your death in Bucky's, just warning you now.

Chronophobia - fear of the future

You was scared of the future, scared of what was going to happen to your friends and scared of the world in general. One day, you was watching the news, and it was talking about how maybe in a few years time, a planet was going to collide into earth and kill everyone. Then, they started talking about a nuclear war arising. You grabbed the remote and switched it off, putting your head in your hands. You knew the whole 'planet colliding' thing wasn't completely true, but the threat of a nuclear war scared you so much that you started trembling and crying. Tony walked in the room and noticed that you were upset, so he pulled you into his arms and asked you what's wrong.

"The future. War. The world. Us." You whispered the last part and hugged him as though you would never see him again.

"Look at me." Tony took hold of your chin and wiped your tears away with his thumb. "I'm not going anywhere and I sure hope your not." You gave him a weak smile and he continued talking.

"Don't worry about the future. What's the point? You'll just get yourself worked up like this. Focus on the present and before you know it, we'll be old and have grey hair, looking after our grandchildren, and we would have lived our lives without worrying about the future because we'll be in it. We can tell them stories of what happened in the 'olden days' but we can't do that if you live in the future, because you wouldn't have lived your life. If you live like that, then before you know it, you'll be on your death bed thinking 'why did I waste all that time worrying when I could have been out there having fun?'. The only people who got to live in the future was Capsicle and Metal Arm, and don't tell me you don't think they're the same as when they were back in the 40's."

You laughed at Tony's comment about Steve and Bucky, but you knew he was right. You could tell Steve and Bucky wasn't the same as when they were back in the 40's, you could see it in their eyes. You nodded and hugged Tony again, thanking you for his little speech that had moved you and decided you wanted to something fun.

"Let's have a water fight" you decided.

Tony smiled at your now happy self and called to JARVIS.

"JARVIS, gather everyone onto the roof and prepare a load of water guns please."

You smiled and grabbed his hand, running to the roof of the tower, where you could see the whole of New York City for miles. You walked to the railing and gripped onto the metal pole. You heard everyone arrive and JARVIS shutting the doors. 'The present' you thought, so you turned around and started having fun with everyone, making memories you would never forget.

Athazagoraphobia- fear of being forgotten. / Monophobia- fear of being left alone.

You were abandoned as a child, your mother and father didn't want anything to do with you.

One night, you was asleep and you had a nightmare, more of a memory, of when you was 6. You remembered walking into your house and it being empty apart from your aunty, who said that your mum and dad was off going somewhere and they wouldn't be back for a while. You could see the look on her face that she was lying. You started crying and ran into her arms.

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