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Public display of affection
(I'm sorry, I just had to add the picture 😂)

Tony couldn't care less about who saw you, he would pull you in close and passionately kiss you while rubbing the small of your back. Tony also didn't care when he done it, so sometimes you would be walking through the shops or even in a meeting with the other avengers, and he would just pull you in and start kissing you. You found it a bit embarrassing when Tony done it in a meeting, but the feeling passed as he worked his was down towards you neck and collarbone. Tony just wanted to show everyone that you were his.

Steve wasn't one for showing affection towards you in public, he'd leave that for private. But he would still wrap his arm around your waist and, if you were lucky, he would give you a small peck on the lips or cheek. You didn't mind him being more reserved in public.

Thor didn't know what 'PDA' meant, so he would just kiss you whenever he wanted. Neither of you minded but most other people did, as it always ended up getting a little bit heated. Parents of young children would give you dirty looks and Tony would often cover his eyes, screaming that they were being burnt. You and Thor just ignored everyone and carried on.

Clint would show you affection, but he would keep it minimal, the same for you. Normally he would wrap his arm around you and gently kiss your lips, but that's as far as you two would go in public, you would save up your energy for later ;).

Natasha didn't show any affection towards you, apart from maybe holding your hand, since she wanted to keep up her reputation of being a heartless, aggressive SHIELD agent. Only you and the avengers knew what she was really like, and it also made it easier on missions as people couldn't taunt her about how 'soft' she was in the inside.

Pietro wasn't bothered by who saw you, he would just pull you in and kiss you senseless, which would normally end up in a make-out session. Whenever you was hanging out with the Avengers, he would pull you into his lap, as Wanda had told him someone was 'a bit' jealous of the two of you, but she didn't say who it was. What Wanda didn't realise, is that Pietro would start making out with you in front of everyone, including her, which she thought was disgusting. Everyone would leave when he started grinding into you and grabbing your butt.

You didn't mind PDA, whilst Wanda hated it. You would normally wrap your arm around her or kiss her head, but that's as far as you would go, while she just awkwardly held your hand.

You was really shy about PDA, and thought it was a really intimate thing to do in public. Bucky on the other hand, couldn't care less. He would flirt with you nonstop, but always asked for permission to kiss you, because he understood that you wasn't keen and he accepted that.

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