Girly things you two do

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A/N: sorry I haven't updated the past few days(apart from the superpower one, I haven't checked for mistakes or anything so it might be a bit messy) I've just had a lot going on. Sorry Bucky's is short, Anyways, enjoy!!!

It was another day at work of being Tony's personal assistant, and you had nothing to do. You had filed all the contracts and papers and catered Tony's every need. You slumped against the chair and pulled out a deep red coloured nail polish and began painting your nails before taking off the silver polish the second time that day. You was too busy concentrating to notice Tony creep up behind you and pull your Swivel chair back, making you get nail polish all over your middle finger.

"Stop it!" you screamed, turning around to find Tony bent over laughing.

"It's all over my finger now!" You moaned. You held up your hand, showing your middle finger, covered in red nail polish.

"I'm sorry, I'll go and get you some remover," Tony replied.

"Don't worry, baby, I have some by my desk," you replied, smiling and turning round to fetch the polish remover.

"That's Mr. Stark to you," Tony smirked, before walking over to help you wipe your finger.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. Did you come here for a reason or..?" You smiled smugly, before Tony took away the polish and screwed the lid back on.


"To be honest, I think lilac looks best on you." Tony replied, before grabbing a lilac polish from your drawer. You raised an eyebrow at him, 'since when did Tony become such a nail expert?' You thought. Tony picked up a chair so he was sitting next to you, and began painting your nails a pretty lilac shade.

After about 10 minutes, Tony held up your hand to show you his work. Surprisingly, they were actually alright, but he went over on the skin a few times, but it was a good start.

"Thank you," you laughed, hugging Tony. He handed you some papers to file before kissing you, which got at bit heated, and walked towards the door.

"I'll see you after work, Mr. Stark." You smirked.

"I will, Ms. (Y/L/N)"

You and Steve was having a movie night, but you couldn't decide what to watch.

"But what about this one?" You said, holding up 'The Bourne Ultimatum'.

"But we've watched that like, five times now, how about 'Kingsman'?

"We've seen that more times than we've had sex, Steve." You replied, smirking at him. Steve's cheeks flushed a dark crimson, and you laughed and walked over to hug him. An idea popped into your mind.

"How about we watch loads of chick-flicks? We can look through Netflix and see what they have," you offered, as Steve calmed down.

"Uhh, yeah sure, what is there?"

"Ummm there's 'Pitch Perfect' 'The DUFF' 'Love, Rosie'." You continued flicking through the films and you ended up watching all of them. You grabbed some popcorn while Steve got more sugary snacks and you both spent the whole evening and early morning watching love films, which Steve actually enjoyed.

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