Paris >>> Steve imagine

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A/N: I decided to write this due to the terrible shootings in Paris the other night, and i want people to realise that this is a wake up call, that anything can happen to anyone at anytime. What happened in Paris, and what's happening around the world everyday that doesn't make It into the news is devastating, and no one should have to go through what these innocent people do. I would also like to add that if you believe that all Muslims are ISIS and terrorists, then stop reading my book, your not wanted here. My heart goes out to everyone who was/is affected by this, not only in Paris but in other countries as well. I'm going to upload another preference today as well. Anyway, enjoy!

"Thor, Pietro and Wanda, help get the civilians to safety. Clint and Natasha, try and track the terrorists where the bombs went off, and kill them. Bucky, your with me. We track them and make sure they don't kill anymore people. Y/N, you go and... Just help Thor and the twins."

You huffed in annoyance at your over protective boyfriend, but you followed Thor anyway. You had got news that Paris was under attack, so you came out here to help. You and Thor ran to help the trapped civilians in restaurants and bars, while the twins went to calm and save the people trapped in the stadium.

"How's it looking Tony?" You asked, who was helping shut down the borders and was on watch in the sky for any dangers.

"From up here, there's no more dangers, just focus on helping everyone, I'll continue look-out." Tony replied. You and Thor carried on focusing on getting everyone out, while the others did their jobs.

After You had finished one street, you heard muffled screams and gunshots in the distance.

"Can any of you hear that?" You asked through comms. The gunshots echoed throughout the city, and you tried focusing on where it was coming from.

"I can hear it, I'm going to check it out now. Y/N, stay where you are and continue to help Thor," Steve replied. You turned to Thor and he nodded, he knew you was going to disobey Steve's orders anyway.

You ran towards the gunshots and ended up at the 'Bataclan Hall'. You silently walked in, trying not to be noticed. You climbed the stairs to the top row and peeked down into the hall. You had to cover your mouth to stop yourself from gasping, and tears blurred your vision. Limp bodies were on the floor, the ground covered in blood. You estimated that at least 90 people were dead, and many more were injured. You pulled out a bow and arrows you had stored in your coat and you decided it would be easier to kill the gunmen on the same level as they were on, so you descended the stairs and readied an arrow. You heard mumbles of pleas, and people praying for someone to help them. You stood in the shadows where they couldn't see you, and aimed at one of the terrorists. You shot the arrow and the man fell to the ground, dead. The other gunmen soon realised what was going on, and started shouting at the innocent women, men and teenagers. Thankfully, they hadn't seen where the arrow came from, but you moved to a different spot, just incase. Another one was about to shoot a small girl, no older than 15, when you killed him with another arrow. Only one more man left, but he had spotted your position. You started to panic and felt someone grab your leg.

"Go, run and be safe. Be grateful towards your loved ones and don't take everyday for granted," a French women mumbled, but you refused to leave. The man was walking towards where you was standing and You silently ran towards the stage, tiptoeing on from behind the curtain. The people who were faking their death and the people who were not yet dead stared at you in gratitude for what you was about to do. The terrorist was facing the door, his back turned to you when you raised your bow and aimed. Suddenly, you heard soft footsteps enter the hall through the balcony, and Steve emerged from the shadows. You looked up at him with wide eyes as if to tell him to be quiet, but he spotted you and started telling you to get out. Steve had thought that the hall was empty of gunmen, having unnoticed the one alive directly below him. As Steve was telling you to get out, the gunman whipped around and shot a bullet at you, and you let the arrow fly just before you fell.

"(Y/N)!", Steve shouted, as your head crashed against the wooden floorboards. The gunman was down, but not dead, so Steve jumped down, shot him and ran over to you, tears running down his face. Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Bucky with the twins helping everyone get out and analysing their wounds.

"It okay, your going to be okay," Steve lied, as he held up your limp body and rocked you gently. Dark blood was pouring out of your heart, and you was struggling to breathe. You looked up and met Steve's eyes, smiling sadly as you knew you wouldn't make it. You remembered what the French lady had said and you thought of Steve.

"Never take everyday for granted, and cherish every moment you have with everyone. I don't want you to mourn my death, I want you to be happy. I want you to have a life." You spoke, your voice husky from the lack of oxygen. Steve gripped onto you tighter and you slowly raised your hand, grazing his cheek.

"Promise me," you gasped, tears flowing down your face.

"I promise." Steve replied, and he planted a kiss on your cold lips.

You smiled weakly, and whispered 'I love you', before your body slumped against Steve. He screamed and cursed and was begging for you to wake up, but there was no going back. He cried against your face and the Avengers had watched everything from the entrance, mourning. After Steve calmed down, he laid your body on the floor and repeated your last words.

"I love you too."

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