Caller ID pictures

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His picture of you:
You had woken up early and decided to go and make some pancakes before Tony woke up. Tony, however had woken up and crept into the kitchen to see you in some pyjama shorts and a loose crop top. You heard footsteps and turned your head around to find Tony stood there taking a photo of you. You smiled and shook your head, turning you attention back to the pancakes. Tony thought it was a good photo and he used it for his caller ID for you.

Your picture of him:
Tony has made a new Iron Man suit and was about to test it out. You was with Tony just in case something went wrong, and soon Tony took off the ground, zooming into the air. You smiled and he landed back down on the floor again. You took out your phone and his Iron man mask lifted up to reveal a smiling Tony. He lifted his hands up and gave you a thumbs up before taking the picture.

His picture of you:
Steve had booked a reservation at a really posh restaurant and you was all dressed up nicely in a black dress with silver jewellery. You was sat down at the table opposite Steve and he took a picture of you smiling when you wasn't looking.

Your picture of him:
All the boys, including Steve; Tony; Clint; Thor; Bucky and Pietro, were having a game night in the tower. The girls including you, were all sat around the sofa, talking and drinking wine whilst the boys played a game of Mario Cart on Tony's Xbox One. They were nearly finishing the race, Tony in the lead, when Steve over took him and won the race. You took a picture of Steve with his arms in the air laughing whilst all the boys around him were huffing and Tony was looking up at Steve, rolling his eyes.

His picture of you:
You had been visiting Asgard once again and you was about to have a meeting with Odin, so the maids had dressed you in a light blue gown that reached down to your feet. Once you was dressed, Thor came into the room and starred at you In Awe. You only laughed and he took a picture of you out on the balcony so you had a view of Asgard behind you.

Your picture of him:
You was both getting ready for one of Tony's parties and you both stood in front of the mirror whilst you took a soldier with Thor behind you, his arm wrapped around your waist.

His picture of you:
It was just a simple picture of Clint kissing you on the cheek, with you smiling like an idiot.

Your picture of him:
You was both coming back from a mission you had been on together, which was a success. You was sat next to him as he flew the Quinjet and you took a picture of him, as he was looking out the window, smiling. Flint hated the photo, but you liked it and used it for his caller ID.

Her picture of you:
You was practising using a gun in the gym, and Natasha was watching you, which you didn't know about. She took out her phone and took a picture of you just as you was about to shoot, so it kind of looked like you was posing, but you wasn't.

Your picture of her:
You had forced Natasha to kiss you whilst you took a picture because you thought it would be cute. She didn't want to, but she did it anyway, and you set it as your caller ID for her since you thought it was a nice photo of the two of you together as you didn't take photos together often.

His picture of you:
You was visiting your family in LA with Pietro and you was on the beach in your bikini with your surfboard in Your hand. Pietro took the picture at you walked towards the ocean.

Your picture of him:
The two of you were in bed, and you were taking pictures with each other. One of them was the two of you with your noses pressed together, with your tongues sticking out, whilst looking at each other. You liked the photo and set it as his caller ID for Puerto on your phone.

Her picture of you:
You had been going on for days about what it would be like to fly, so Wanda had an idea and thought maybe she could use her telekinetic powers to try and make you levitate off the ground. Pietro was there just in case you needed to go to the hospital if it went all wrong. You was really excited and you saw the red energy floating towards you, and you was soon off of the ground and into the air. Pietro took a photo of the both of you on Wanda's phone. Wanda liked the photo and put it as your caller ID on her phone.

Your picture of her:
A picture you took with Wanda when it was Halloween and you was both dressed up as Captain America an Iron Man. You were both posing like the characters you was dressed as and you thought it would be cute to add it as your Caller ID for her.

His picture of you:
You was asleep in bed, obviously having a happy dream since you was smiling slightly. Bucky thought it was cute and took a photo, adding it as your caller ID on his phone.

Your picture of him:
You was teaching Bucky how to take pictures on his new phone you had brought him, and you both had your faces squished together, both of you sticking you tongues out. You sent the photo to your phone and set it as your caller ID for him.

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