Avengers you two ship together

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A/N: a really quick preference while I finish up some bigger ones. Also, I would like to say thank you to everyone reading this, as I now have 1K views on this book and over 100 votes! Thank you for reading, I love you all! I also forgot to mention that my name is Isabelle, just in case any of you were interested 😂. Anyway, enjoy!

You two both shipped Clintasha. You and Tony both thought it was going to become canon, but your ship was sunk after Tony came back from defeating Ultron with news that Clint apparently had a wife. And on top of that, two kids. You were a little upset that your otp wasn't ever going to become canon, but You two still shipped them platonically.

Bucky was Steve's best friend and he thought that Wanda was perfect for him. At first, you thought it was weird, but over time, you noticed Bucky complementing and flirting with Wanda and you instantly shipped them both. Even though it was just harmless flirting, neither of them went any further, so whenever you was with them and they were next to each other, you would 'accidentally' push Bucky closer to her, or Steve would try and say something to them both that would embarrass them. You shipped them. Hard.

One word. BlackFrost. Thor had shown you the tape of when Loki was in the cell on the Helicarrier, and Natasha was interrogating him. You laughed at how obvious it was the Loki was 'pretending' to play nice with Nat. You thought it was funny, but knew it would never become canon. You still joked about it with Nat though, and once she even ignored you for a whole two days. Thor on the other hand, would joke around with Loki about it when he was visiting Asgard. Let's just say to never mess with Loki. Ever.

You and Clint loved messing around with the other avengers, and you would always annoy Nat and Pepper, because you thought they would be sooo cute together. Obviously they wouldn't ever go out, Pepper was in a relationship with Tony, but you loved messing around with them. Once,  you and Clint took it a bit too far and Natasha warned that if you didn't shut up, she would personally kill you. Clint knew she was joking, kind of, but you was literally pissing yourself. Whenever you was alone, you would always look behind your back, just in case.

You two both shipped Stony. Whenever they argued at the tower or on missions, you would both look at each other and smirk. You could literally  feel the sexual tension and you both embarrassed Steve about it. Sometimes Bucky would scold you both for humiliating  Steve, but you never listened. In the end, Bucky would always go on about 'Brutasha'. That sure as hell shut you up.

You shipped ScarletVision, but Pietro completely disagreed and said he didn't want to think about Wanda's love life, as she was still too young(only by like 12 minutes, but he wouldn't listen). You wanted Wanda to be happy, and you knew she had a little crush on Vision, and you had caught Vision sneak looks at Wanda as well. You thought they would be really cute together, but Pietro disagreed.

(Thank you to clairesgrady for giving me a ship for this one!)

You and Wanda were best friends with Bucky and Nat, so you always tried to get them together. They were kind of in the middle, they liked each other like that but not enough to actually go out with each other. Once, you and Wanda set up a surprise date for them both, and you were both crossing your fingers that one of them would make a move. They're still friends, but you never know what the future holds....

Bucky and yourself both shipped Steggy, but it obviously couldn't become canon, as Peggy was way to old. You never told anyone about it, as it would've upset Steve about the old days, where he could have actually got a date with her. Bucky used to tell you about Peggy and Steve back in the 40's and you smiled, and tried to imagine the two of them together with children. You felt bad for Steve since he couldn't be with the one he had truly loved, but you and Natasha were trying hard to find him someone new.

A/N: I've written a Bucky imagine of when he was back in the 40's, but I don't know wether I should upload it or not? I'm also making a Wanda imagine, I just need a little bit of inspiration for the plot. If you have any ideas then please message me or comment. Requests are open by the way, preference and imagines, just letting you know!

- Isabelle

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