Something you do that turns them on

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A/N: i want to thank you all so much for 5k reads!!! I can't believe it, thank you and I love you all ❤️❤️ also, school is back *cries* so I might not update as often, but I WILL try and update at least twice a week. This is really bad and rushed, sorry. I haven't spell checked this or anything, Anyways, Enjoy!!

When you get up early and cook breakfast in very minimal clothing, the sight turns Tony on when he walks down stairs. He never takes his hands off of you, thinking of all the stuff he want to do to you.

Steve gets turned on when you run your hands up and down his chest and arms. You don't do it knowing what it does to him, it just relaxes you, but Steve it's something else. He doesn't tell you though, because he feels awkward about it.

Whenever you get shy or flustered, it turns Thor on. Normally your out going and reasonably loud, so when your cheeks flush red and you get a little bit uncomfortable, it's different and Thor likes it. Obviously if your that uncomfortable, Thor will help you feel more relaxed.

When you get angry and start having a go at Clint, the sight of you all worked up and annoyed strangely turns him on, especially when you have a go at him around other people. It's a weird turn on, but whatever.

When your about to kill the enemy. Whenever your on missions together, or training in the stimulation in the gym, Natasha gets turned on when you about to go in for the kill. It's mostly to do with the determined expression on your face and how you aren't afraid. It makes her a little bit distracted, but she snaps out of it and saves it all for later ;)

Whenever you sit on Pietro's lap, especially when around other people, it turns Pietro on. It's not until every time you both get back to your room and Pietro crashes his lips onto yours do you realise that you sitting on his lap turns him on. You tend to do it more often and then say your going out, which sexually frustrates Pietro.

When your concentrating on something important and your face is scrunched up in concentration. Normally your all relaxed and calm, but when you focus on something really hard, Wanda gets turned on. She also finds it cute when you scrunch up your nose.

When you act more seductive around him, or tease him it immediately turns him on. It turns him on even more when you act innocent around him after, and all he can do is not take you on the spot there and then. The our normally do this when your out or with people, which is agonising for him.

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