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MichelleThat is also why I rejected Ellie.We were friends. We were really good friends and it wouldn't be fair to her if I just led her on.I don't love her the way she wants me to, and it's not because she's a girl (like I said, that never mattered to me).She had just came out officially to her mother that Christmas. Although her mother replied that she had always known. I suppose mothers always kind of sense.And it's not because she's not Chinese either. Although, I wonder which would be a worse rejection- "I don't swing that way" or "I am terribly racist."So, I told her about him. He will always be the reason I reject people, even if I don't physically see him ever again. Because he's like a phantom love.

Phantom Love - someone once told me that it's someone who you used to like (an actual past tense) that even years after, you'd still think about him (because you saw something that reminded you of him, or if you literally dreamed of him), and you'd still feel that heart flutter.

I think it's like the phantom limb theory, even though its no longer there, there's still that feeling.

He is my phantom love, and I don't think that I'll ever ever get over him.

All is not fair in love.

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