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Everyone has a center. That is what makes them tick. A 3D movie for children with Jack Frost, Santa Clause, an Easter Bunny and a Tooth Fairy taught me that.

Nate's center is everyone else. His entire life is dedicated to making the lives of those around him better. He cares more about us, than he does himself.

Tia's center is Church. I say Church, instead of God, because for me that's 2 very different things. I'm not going to say anymore about that subject, in case I accidentally say something that would lead me to hell (which is apparently where Nate thinks I belong).

While my center, is myself. Yes, myself. Some people (Nate to my face, and Tia behind my back) call it selfish. But I think that, of course we should value ourselves. We should value ourselves more than other people's opinions of us, definitely. That's why I left in the first place.

I wanted to get out of the bubble. The bubble where everyone has something to say about who you are and who you are supposed to be.

Liking someone of the same gender- that's a sin. Premarital relationships- sin. Not going to Church every Sunday, not exactly a sin, but it won't get you to heaven. And in our little bubble, everyone wants to go to heaven.

For a while, I thought that if rapture happened, and I was left behind, I'd die of embarrassment. Embarrassment, not guilt. And now that I think about it, that was so stupid.

I shouldn't try to fit myself in a mold, just because people expects me too. Especially if I don't fit.

I know I'm selfish, but that's just because I'm tired of everyone else.

They say that no man's an island.

I moved to a country where I don't know anyone, and no one knows me. And I survived just fine.

All I need is me, myself and I.

#ILoveYou #YouLoveHerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora