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"I don't think that people are meant to be monogamous," she had said to me.

"Excuse me? The Bible says that we could be-"

"The Bible says that we should be," she corrected. "The only thing that's constant is change. So that means that everything can change in the flicker of an eye. You can be in love with someone your whole life, but one day you wake up and you realize that the feeling have changed. Or you become grown up enough to realize that you can't have everything you want, and you should just accept it and move on."

"You can also keep loving that person no matter what. It doesn't matter if it's because they have changed or you have changed. You can always adapt, you can always find a way to keep on loving them."

"Not when they are with someone else. Not when they are happy with someone else. And at the end of the day, you just want them to be happy. And it doesn't have to be with you. And you should just accept that," she said. "And marriage," she added. "It's not about being with the one. It's about who you happen to be with when the time is right, and that will be the person you are supposed to be stuck with the rest of your life."


"I think I'm okay with having an open relationship in the future," I told Tia.

"Why can't you just have faith that whoever you marry will be faithful?"

"I'm not even sure if I can be faithful. How should I expect that from him or her?"

"You may say that you're okay with it now. But when the time comes, you'll want someone who'll be faithful to you. Who'll choose you no matter what."

"But we can't always get what we want."

"So are you saying that you'll just accept it? Isn't that the same as settling for someone?"

"On second thought, plant and all, I don't think I'd even get married," I said with a shrug.

"She's wrong about that, okay?" she tried to convince me.

"I was going to say maybe I haven't met the one. But who are we kidding, the one, the prince, even the necrophiliac ones, they only exist in fairytales."

"Thank goodness the necrophiliac ones only exist in fairytales," she agreed with a laugh.

"Yes. Thank goodness. How did Disney convince us that Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty is such a straight up good guy with all his dragon slaying? You know what, I think I want to be Snow White and have seven guys who dig diamonds for me. Monogamy is overrated."

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