Chapter one: fuckboy Saturday

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Boys. What is the first thing that comes to mind when i hear that word? I know, horny douche bags that think the world revolves around them. They just want money and sex.

Thats what i woukd say if a boy pissed me off. Not every guy just think about sex, some think of money, some think of both, but doesnt everyone? There are the nice boys who are sensitive and sweet, im not saying they dont want sex, because trust me, they do. But they just arent horny 24/7.

The friends i have however, are just fuckboys. What's the definition of fuckboys in my own words? Guys who just dont give a fuck about who's feelings they hurt, they just want a good fuck. Dont get my wrong though, they are the sweetest guys i know, but they no doubt have some fuckboy in them. So you could say they are mixed with 60% fuckboy.
It was one of those Saturday nights when my mom was out of town for business and my sisters and brother were with our aunt and friends. This happens about every other weekend, and these are the weekends my best friends get to come over.
Cameron, Matthew, Shawn, Carter, Taylor, Aaron, Jack & Jack, Hailey, Madison, and Nash.

Everyone knows each other except for Hailey. None of them know her and she doesnt know them yet, but im introducing her. As for Madison, She dates Jack G.

Most of the night we just do things like karyoke, watch tv, and do stupid shit. We rarely sleep.
"Lets go over the rules Hail, these guys are horny bastards for the most part so no falling for their stupid games" i told my friend, Hailey who wa sthe first to show up to "Casa de Lana". Carter came up with the name since we started doing this saturday thing.
Hailey rolled her eyes and finished her makeup. "Lana, your friends are hot, i cant fall for their game if im already playing it" she winked. "you're gross. dont complain if you get an std" i joked. She laughed and started doing her hair.

While she was getting all dressed up, i just threw on a hoodie and leggings. I dont feel the need to dress up for them because one they are my best friends so i dont care, and two i am lazy as they say.

The door bell rang and i answered it, as soon as i did 9 guys and 1 girl filled my house. "Casa de Lana starts now!" Taylor yelled. "Shut up, you know how my neighbors are" i told him. "Damn Lana, you look really good in those leggings" Madison said in a guy voice and smacked my ass. We always play like that.
"So if Madison smacks your ass you laugh, but if i do you punch me?" Cameron asked. "Maybe im a lesbian, ever think of that?" i stated. "That would make you 50x hotter" he said. i flicked him off and we all went to the living room.

Hailey came downstairs and met everyone. "Cameron's first on my list" she whispered to me. "gross" i whispered back.

Jack hooked up the Wii so we could play just dance. Shawn, Taylor, Aaron, and Jack played first. We watched and laughed at how stupid they looked.
"Lana over here" Matt called from the couch. I got up from the floor and went by him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me toward him so i was sitting in his lap.
We aren't dating, we're just best friends.

"you know i love you right?" he said. "not in the way i want you to" i told him. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "yes in the way you want me to". I slightly smiled and layed my head on his shoulder. "you dont know what way i want you to" i whispered.
Basically i've always had a thing for Matthew. I always have liked him, and the more im around him, the stronger the feelings i get for him. But he only sees me as his best friend, i give him hints that i like him, but he usually ignores them or doesnt understand them. But we have a stringfriendship and i guess it's a sign that we should stay that way.

The guys started yelling really loud after the song stopped playing from the wii. "i won fuckers!!!" Shawn yelled. "you cheated!" Taylor, Aaron, and Jack yelled in sync. They ganged up on Shawn and argued with him until i jumped in. "Stop being jealous, and go get a drink you sore losers" i told them. They groaned and moved away from us. "Thanks lan, they cant help but to be jealous because i dance better" Shawn said. "You dance better than them, not me" i smirked. "is that a challenge?" he asked. "oh i think it is" i said. "im going to beat your ass" he said. "literally" he added. "you're going down, you horny bastard" i told him. "you have got to stop calling me that" he laughed. "then stop being that" i shot.

Past half way through the game, Shawn was a star ahead of me. "you are a cheater" i panted but kept moving. "go get a drink with the sore losers" he said.

We finished and Shawn beat me by some points. "ha i am the king of just dance!" he yelled. They all started laughing at me. "Fuck all of you" i whined. "Go to your room" Hailey demanded acting like a mom. I played along and stomped up to my room hearing them laugh from a distance.

I closed my door and got my phone off of the charger.
The door opened and soon Matthew revealed himself. "Hi" i smiled. "Give me your phone" he stuck his hand out. "no" i said. "Im not taking it i just want to do something" he begged. I gave it to him and he clicked the camera app. He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him. "say cheese" he said. i laughed and felt his lips on mine and heard the camera snap.

He pulled away and looked at the oicture. "cute" he mocked a high pitched voice and set it as my lock and home screen. He put my phone and the dresser and walked back over to me.

"You look really good in those leggings" he said and smacked my ass. "so i've heard" i smiled and bit my lip.
His lips met mine and they moved roughly against another.

He picked me up and pushed me against the wall, kissing me more hungrily. "Lana, i love you" he said taking his lips off of mine and putting them ro my neck. "not in the way i want you to" i responded. "yes in the way you want me to" he said. "you dont know what way i want you to" i whispered.
We moved to my bed and he got on top of me, continuing to kiss me.

I felt his hands travel down to my butt and he squeezed it. Soon they moved to my front and slid in my pants. They moved over my gentle spot making my breathing to increase.
After teasing me, he put one finger in me, moving in and out. I moaned as he increased the speed and added another finger.
Soon i reached and he licked it off of his fingers. "i missed your taste" he whispered. "i missed your lips" i said back and kissed him again.

He layed beside me and held my hand. I felt like i had to tell him how i felt, when he holds my hand it just makes my feelings jump everywhere. "I have to tell you something" i turned my head to look at him. He nodded his hand and the door bell rang. "thats the pizza" i said getting up. "thats what you had to tell me?" he asked. I nodded and walked downstairs and toward the door.

Its like everytime i want to tell Matthew about my feelings, something gets in the way. Maybe i should just listen to the signs.
We ate and watched a movie. I sat in Matthew's lap and my head was on his shoulder once again.
I loved these Saturday nights with my bestfriends. Even though the guys are total fuckboys.

"I love you Lana"
"Not in the way i want you to"
"Yes in the way you want me to"
"you dont know what way i want you to"
A little bit of repetition 😂 but i hope you like this first chapter of this book! Im going to keep it up for a few days and see how it goes, if i barely get readers or feedback ill probably delete it, i just want to know how the first chapter seems to be. Let me know please, Vote and/or comment it doesnt matter!

Most of the time there is strong content such as words and physical things. So please, dont get into any trouble for reading this book.
(My friend's parents went through her phone and found a mature book and grounded her, dont get into any trouble. No one goes through my phone but my friends so 😂)

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