Chapter twenty-two

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imessage (private): Vanessa

Vanessa //- you know that party that Matt went to tonight !
lana //- yeah.... why?
Vanessa //- Gavin called me, he's drunk off his ass, go get him!
lana //- send me the address
Vanessa sent me the address and i jumped up and went downstairs. "going to Vanessa's for girls night?" my mom asked, i just nodded not wanting her to ask questions or anything. "where you going?" i asked her. "just out, have fun" i nodded and walked out going to my car.

After finding the house of Mark's, where this guy party is, i went inside. There were only several girls considering it was a "guys night" but they're fuckboys so of course they're gonna have some girls here.
"lana, you made it" Gavin said putting his arm around me. "wheres Matthew?" i ask. "somewhere upstairs, i can take you up there if you want" i shrug and e leads me upstairs.

I looked around, there were about three doors, two of which were closed. "is he in one of the closed ones?" i asked. "no, he isnt" he looked at me and irolled my eyes at him, starting downstairs but he grabbed my arm. "let go of me!" i scream. "calm down, im trying to help" he said. "i dont need your help!"

Gavin was about to say something but was cut off by a loud surronding noise. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me through ones of the bed room doors and closed it. "was that a gun?" i asked. "shut up for two seconds lana", "that was a gun, wheres Matthew?" i asked. "damn it, i said shut up!" he yelled.

After about three minutes or so, i got up and left the room. when i went downstairs everything was just as it was when i walked in. There were still guys and girls hanging around, listening to music and playing games. I spotted Mark and went to him. "what was that noise?" i asked. "nothing you need to worry about" he shrugged. "wheres Matthew?", "in some corner in the back"

i spotted Matthew near the back of the house, in a corner like Mark said. It was kind of dark.
He had his head back, eyes closed, and looked very drunk. It kind of disappointed me because he promised he wouldn't get drunk like this again, because of what happened last time.

I sat next to him and tapped his shoulder. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. "are you okay?" i asked. he nodded sleepily and closed his eyes again. "can you take me to your place?" he mumbled. "of course, come on"
He could barely walk so i had to drag him on my shoulder. i put him in my car and buckled his seat belt.

"what happened?" i asked him. "nothing happened"
Getting to my house, i got out and helped Matthew get out, i still had to drag him. No one but my siblings were home.

"woah what happened to this zombie?" Ethan asked me. "just help me get him upstairs" i said. I didnt even know the answer to the question.

We set Matthew on my bed. "thank you" i told Ethan and he left. Matthew was awake, his eyes staring at me. "are you mad at me?" he asked. To be honest, i was furious that he did this to himself again, but it's his life.

"just get some sleep"


This morning i hear Ethan and Matthew conversating. I didnt open my eyes because they werent ready for the light yet, also i kind of wanted to listen to their conversation.

"Why'd you get drunk like that?" Ethan asked Matthew. "it was stupid, we were playing a game basically" he responded. "Well i dont want to be THAT brother, but my sister has lived her whole life with drunk people and im going to say this because she wont, shes actually scared of them. You know about our dad and all",
"yeah i know and i feel really bad about doing what i did, and her having to take care of me, also i dont want to set a bad example for you, you're like a little brother to me",
"thanks, and as cool as that sounds, its kind of weird because that would make lana your sister and we all know what you two do"

i laughed a little. "look who's awake" Ethan announced. "sorry" i laughed. "i have to go, see you later" he left.
"you're a pretty good eavesdropper until you laugh" Matthew informed me. "i cant help but to laugh sometimes" i shrug. "lana, im so sorry, i feel so bad and you dont deserve what i put you through and im just really sorry" he apologized. "its okay, really"

He nodded and i grabbed his chin and connected our lips for a while. "you still smell of alcohol" i laughed a little. He got up and picked me up, taking us to my bathroom and setting me on the counter. He found an extra tooth brush in the cabinet and handed me mine.

As we brushed our teeth he stood in between my legs and didnt take his eyes off of me unless it was to spit in the sink.
He dropped some toothpaste out of his mouth onto my leg making me die of laughter. he laughed and then licked it off of my leg. "thats so gross" i laughed more. "its not gross, its romantic" he winked and i shook my head.

I ran the shower and took my clothes off along with Matthew. We stepped in and washed our bodies first. I got on my tippy toes and started shampooing his hair, his handd on my waist to support me. yes, i did ignore the fact that he was hard. After that he got out while i stayed in a little more to rinse my hair.

When i got out and went to my bed room, he was already dressed with the extra clothes he left over here, i have a drawer for him.
I towel-dried my hair and put on a robe, sitting next to Matthew.
"now that we're clean"

-----------WARNING: Mature scene--------------

i kissed him slowly at first and then it became a makeout session.
He hoovered on top of me, supporting himself on his elbows. I ran my hands through the back of his hair while pushing his head closer to mine. He sat up to pull his shirt over his head and then reconnect our lips.

His hands found the tie of my robe and untied it. I took the remainder of the robe off and unbuttoned his pants. "that didnt take me as long as last time" i said making him laugh.

He took the rest of his clothes off and got back on top of me, and started rubbing me down there.
A quick moan left my lips before they found his again.

While we kissed he started to ease in to me, making my back arch a little. Pushing into me more and more, it started to feel like my first time again. After the first two i got used to it.

He repeated this process for a couple of minutes. Then he started going faster until he was thrusting in me. i had to bite my lip to keep me from moaning so loud, but that didnt do any justice.

Soon he reached and after a few more i did too.

Matthew put his clothes back on and i found some clothes for myself.
We went downstairs and i took a pill that im suppose to take within the hour i've had sex to prevent pregnancy. (no babies af)

We lied down in my bed. My head on his chest and hand intwined with his. I dont know how i love him so much, he's my happiness.

"Matthew", "yeah?", "dont feel bad when i take care of you, i really love taking care of you"
THIS CHAPTER IS CORNY AF and probably boring lmao. soooo sorry but i wanted to post a chapter because ive been getting so much support and i loveeeee it ❤️ ALSO 2K READERS. thank you guys soooo much 💓

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