Chapter twelve: spring break

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"i cant believe mom is really letting you go" Kate said, she was sitting on my bed watching me pack. "we had a deal, i'd be nice to David for 3 days and i could go, hardest thing ever" i said. "Why do you hate him so much? We've all forgiven him for being a drug addict, why cant you?" she asked. "I couldn't care less about his addiction, it's just none of your business" i told her. "He is our dad" she said. "He may be your and Ethan's dad, but he isn't mine" i mumbled. "You know, if Jackson were here he wouldn't", "Do not mention Jackson in the conversation, you don't know anything about him or what happened to him" i snapped. "He would not like the way you act toward dad, Jackson would never let you talk to dad like that" she continued. "get out" i said angry. She just looked at me annoyingly. "Kate, get the fuck out!" i yelled. She jumped and left.

Why is everyone in this house so annoying? They act like they know everything, but do not know shit. They all have me fucked up if they think i am going to get along with David.

My door soon opened and it was my mom. "why did you yell at Kate?" she asked. "she was in my room, she could of just left if she didn't want to get yelled at" i responded. "Whatever, your friends are here to say bye, before you go meet with them outside, come downstairs and talk to us" she said and left.

I finished packing the last of my things and headed downstairs. I said bye to each of my siblings. "You wont be missed" Kate said. "As if i cared" i laughed. "I will miss you lana" Liane said. "you're the only one i will miss, bug" i smiled and hugged her. "Bye big sis, and here" Ethan said and handed me a box of condoms. "You're welcome" he winked. I laughed at him and put them in my bag, i'm not going to use them but i did it to annoy my mom and David. "Bye mom" i told her. She hugged me and i started walking out. "Bye lana" David called out. I threw up the peace sign and went outside.

All nine of the guys plus Kylie, Vanessa, Hailey, and Lea was there. Shawn and i said bye to all of them and talked for a while. Matthew put his arm around my shoulder and everyone were having conversations. "look forward to coming back" he said. "Of course, we will finally get our alone time" i winked. "babe, you're so cute" he laughed. "I know" i joked and flipped my hair. "Oh i have your charger" i remembered. I opened the small part of my bag and got some things out to get his charger. "what is that?" he asked noticing a box. Of course, it was the condoms Ethan gave me. "funny story" i laughed but he was mad. "Really lana? you're going on this trip that i trust you and Shawn to go to alone and you're bringing a box of condoms?" he asked a little loud. "Calm down, you're causing a scene" i told him. "Was this your idea?" he asked Shawn. "dude calm down" Shawn told him. "fuck both of you" Matthew spat and drove off in his car.

"that was intense" Vanessa stated. "why do you have a box of condoms?" Cameron asked."Ethan gave it to me as a joke, not very funny anymore" i said. "go after him" Shawn told me. "no, we'll miss our flight, lets go, bye everyone"


I woke up from a light sleep. My eyes wandered the air plane we were still on. My head was on Shawn's shoulder, he was watching a movie on a DVD player. I held his hand (not in the couple way). "You're finally awake" he said taking off his earphone. "how long has it been?" i asked. "We're landing in about 30 minutes" he informed me. "so what are we going to do when we get there?" i asked. "sleep" he said. "that's no fun" i whined. "who said Canada will be fun?" he joked.

After going through landing, and getting our bags, we were finally in Canada, still at the airport though. "be prepared for the weather" Shawn told me getting his coat out. "It's spring though" i said. "Spring here is different from the spring in California" he laughed. "So looks like we'll be shopping for clothes first because i packed spring clothing". Don't i feel really dumb. Shawn laughed which made me smile, his laugh is really cute and warming. "stop staring lana" he said. I rolled my eyes.

We got a uber to the hotel since Shawn's dad was still working, we're visiting him later.

"My phone isn't working" i whined. "You're in a different country lana" Shawn informed. "I have data anywhere Shawn" i sassed. "Not in a different country" he sassed back. "Shut up". When he is right that means i am wrong and i do not like being wrong.

We got to the hotel room we were in and Shawn collapsed in the one bed there was. "Sorry that there is only one bed, my dad rented this room because originally i stay in a hotel and my mom stays at my dads" he explained. "I don't mind, and why don't you stay at your dads too?you know family time?" i asked. "My mom and dad, as you know, are still together and they only see each other occasionally, would you want to be in the same house of romance at night?" he asked. "never mind then" i laughed.

He started snoring lightly meaning he was sleeping. I laughed a little and noticed the phone on the nightstand. I decided to call Matthew, i understand why he was so mad, i would be too.
I typed in his number and after about 5 rings he answered.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Matthew, hi"
"lana? you have a safe flight?"
"yes i did, are you mad?"
"im pissed. but more pissed that i got mad at you before your flight and couldnt call to see if you landed safely."
"im so sorry Matthew, i swear we are not planning to do anything like that. We would never do that to you, Ethan gave me those as a joke"
"okay lana, i trust you"
"call me baby"
"okay baby, how's Canada?"
"Cold, but we are in the hotel because Shawn is tired, how's Cali?"
"You make Canada hot babe, and its the same as you left it about 5 hours ago"
"Not hot enough, wish you were here so you could make me warm"
"tell Shawn to make you warm for me but dont get carried away, you're mine"
"ha okay, i'll call you when i wake up, im so tired, love you Matthew lee"
"love you more lana mae"
ideas on what is going to happen on this trip?

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