Chapter thirteen: Sb pt.2

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Shawn and i sat in a place called Tim Hortons, drinking whatever he ordered for us, i have to admit it was pretty good. "you have no idea how much i love this place" he smiled. "Explain how much you love" i suggested. "The way you love Starbucks is the way i love this place" he said. "That is some deep loving" i said and he nodded and laughed. ""Thank you for coming with me, means a lot, if you weren't here i would be at my dad's house right now watching hockey" he said. "what is so bad about that?" i asked. "we don't really watch it, he just ask me questions like if i have a girlfriend or if im having sex and it is not something i want to talk about to my parents" he explained. "You're a virgin right?" i asked and he shook his head. i gave him a look and he sighed and nodded. "dude lets lose our virginity at the same time!" i yelled. "oh my god lana" he laughed and put his head down since almost everyone was looking over here. "joking" i yelled loud enough and Shawn died of laughter.

We got back to the hotel and i used my phone to get Vanessa's number and call her. I put it on speaker phone so Shawn and i can both talk to her and whoever she was with, possibly Hailey.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey its Shana" i replied.

"Who the hell is Shana?"

"Shawn and lana dumb ass"

"oh, its lana, hey..." she sounded kind of upset.

"why the upset tone?"

"well i have bad news, but i dont think i should tell you"

"you brought it up, tell me"

"well, you know that spring break party? Well we all went last night, something happened"

"Vanessa, tell me before this long distant call ends"

"Well Matthew got really drunk, super drunk. He went on and on about how upset he was that you were with Shawn and not him and about the condom thing, he then left for a few seconds for a new drink, and Hailey and i couldnt find him, we got worried so we went upstairs to look for him and found him with some blonde girl in the bathroom, they were..."

Well my heart broke to pieces.


"sorry lana"

"not your fault, i'll talk to you guys soon"

I hung up the phone, why do guys cheat? "lana, you okay?" Shawn asked. "i'm fine" i fake smiled. He came beside me and hugged me. "I'm not good enough for him am i?" i asked. "Shut up lana, you are too good for him actually. Any guy would be so lucky to have you, you do not deserve to be treated like that, i don't see how he could cheat on you, no one compares to you" he told me. I gave him a slight smile and put my head down. " i just dont know what to do" i admitted. "Call him, confirm it" he suggested, which i did.

After a few rings he answered the phone.

"hey babe" he said.

"what did you do last night?"

"uh i went to that party for a while and came home because my mom needed me"

"really? what did you do at the party?"

"I just hung out with our friends"

"that's it?"

"yeah, i was waiting for you to call"

"is that why you got very toxicated and was found in a bathroom?"

"the girl and i just talked"

"i never mentioned a girl, Matthew"

"we didn't do anything"

"Matthew, this situation is bad enough, please don't lie, i just want the truth"

"i was really drunk, i didn't know what i was doing, i was stupid"

"so you did"

"yes lana, im sorry i really am it's just i was feeling lonely"

"so that gives you permission to cheat on me?"

"you're really far away"

"it wouldnt matter if i was still in California, you dont have a problem cheating on me with bobby"

"That was a one time thing"

"wait, that happened too?"

The other line went silent, he didn't hang up because i could here him breathing still. I ended the call. I had no idea that he cheated on me with her, she said the message was sent to the wrong person. Either she is a active slut, or Matthew told her to say that to cover it up, all i know is that happened because he accidentally admitted to it.

I thought Matthew would not do something like this to me because he was my best friend, one of the few people i trust making it hurt more than. "he is such an idiot" Shawn said and wiped the tear from under my eye.

Shawn sat beside me and put his arm around me, i leaned on his chest and tried to keep my emotions inside. "I'm making this trip really bad for you, i'm sorry" i apologized. "Nothing could be bad with you, don't apologize, no one is worth your tears" he said. I looked up at him and slightly smiled. "im glad you're my bestie for the restie" i said. "what does that mean?" he asked confused. "figure it out". He rolled his eyes and got up pulling me up with him.

He stood in front of me and messed with my sweater. "what are you doing?" i asked. "making you look decent" he smiled. "i look that bad?" i asked. "you never look bad lana, well you act it" he winked. "stop" i laughed.
He smiled and walked out of the hotel. "well are you coming?" he asked me. "where?", "its a surprise"

After driving for about ten to fifteen minutes, the uber pulled up to an arena looking buliding.
When Shawn and i got inside, the place wasnt warm as i was hoping. It was in fact a little colder.
There were people in hockey uniforms and guess what they were doing on the ice, playing hockey.

Shawn dragged me to a stand and talked to the lady. I wasnt paying attention, i was busy checking out the place and watching the people play hockey.
"lana" Shawn snapped me out of my daze pf the place. I looked at him and the lady and she was handing me a uniform. "oh i dont play" i informed her. "shut up and take the uniform" Shawn demanded. I scolded at him
and took it.

"The girls locker room in that way, you might need help so if you want you can come in the guys locker room with me" he explained. "im pretty sure i can figure this out" i laughed. "its harder than it looks, but whatever makes you happy" he laughed. I stuck my tongue out at him and headed toward the girls locker room.

To say this uniform was hard to put on will be a understatement. This is the most difficult thing to put on, i dont even think i have it on the right way.
Some girl sat down on the bench in front of me and laughed as i struggled. "hockey virgin?" she asked. "no, i play hockey on a regular basis" *note the sarcasm*. "ah, you're one of those Americans" she said. "how do you know im American?" i asked. "clueless and complicated" she shrugged. "um okay"

I started to continue to put on this complicated uniform. "let me help" she suggested. I shrugged and she did whatever and i was now officially in the uniform.
I thanked her and told her my name. "im Cass" she responded.

I've never ice skated so to say i was having a hard time in these skates, was another understatement.
Cass continued to be amused with my struggles, and also helped me to outside of the locker room.

"wow that only took 5 years" Shawn exaggerated. "shut up" i rolled my eyes. "Shawn?" Cass asked. "Cass? havent seen you in ages" They smiled at each other. Small world or country.
They talked for a while. "Thanks for helping lana get into her uniform" he told her. "she's pretty complicated but it was no problem" she said. "im right here" i informed. "babe, this is an adult conversation" Shawn joked. "I always knew you had a thing for Americans" Cass said. Shawn laughed and a guy came behind Cass. "Shawn?" the guy questioned. "Hey Noah" he smiled. "Hi Noah" i said.

I dont know him but i like to say hi to people, and the confusion on his face was pretty funny. "stop making that confused face, she's Shawn's wife" Cass told him. "Woah, is that normal in the U.S.?" he asked. "everything is normal there"
i didnt know how to end the chapter. I swear this book is going to get better i know so far its trash but stick around lol

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