Chapter five: girls night

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I finished packing for the weekend at the hotel with the girls and went downstairs. "im leaving" i called out. "okay, but just know, your dad is going to be here when you come back" My mom informed me. "i dont have a dad" i said and left.
"Finally this bitch arrived, its 10 pm!" Vanessa yelled when i walked in the hotel suite. "sorry guys i was a little busy" i winked. They laughed and i put my things down and joined them on the balcony. "Hey, someone take me and lana's picture" Vanessa said.

They took a picture of the pose we did and it came out nice. "damn nessa you look hot in that white shirt" i said. "Lana went lesbian for Nessa" Kylie teased. "lana is lesbian for everyone" Madison joked. "thats true" i said.

We went inside and ate chips while talking. "So lana there is a question i have been dying to ask you" Jill stated. i nodded my head and she continued. "Have you and Matt... had sex yet?". Of course this was going to be a question but i didnt mind answering it. "No we've never had sex, but we do other things" i answered. "Other things as in?" Vanessa continued the question. "We makeout, and touch and stuff" i said. "woah sounds kinky" Hailey said. "it is" i winked. "What about you Madison? you and Jack?" Jill asked.

Madison shook her head. "we're going a trip soon so maybe we will" she said. "if you want to sooner, just do some things that'll make him all over you" Kylie told her. "Give him hints" Jill added. We laughed.

"Okay so lets play that game. Date Bang Kill" Vanessa said. " me first! So there is Mark, Gavin, and Cameron" Hailey said. "lana you choose" they said. "i'd Date Cameron, Bang Gavin, and Kill Mark" i said. "no thought about it" Kylie agreed.

Half hour into the game i got a facetime call from Matthew. "what do you want?" i answered. "you baby" he joked. "oooh" the girls said. "what are you guys doing?" he asked. "watching porn" i told him with a serious face. "thats fucking hot" he said. "shut up" i laughed. "can i come there?" he asked. "no boys" i said. He made a sad face. "bye" i said. "send me a picture" he told me. "oh my gosh no". "Woah lana" Hailey teased. "i've never in my life sent him a picture" i said. "you've sent me several" he argued. "no i havent", "yes, they were just selfies though, i dont know why you cant send me more" he said. "Oh, i'll send you a selfie" i shrugged. "take your clothes off" he whispered and winked. "bye"

"that gave me a idea, lets play never have i ever, everytime you have, you take off a piece of clothing" Vanessa suggested. "i swear you're going to be a porn star" i told her. "we'll make lesbian porn together" she said. "sounds kinky"
"Thats why your dumbass is going to die" i said taking a handful of popcorn and shoving it in my mouth. "Chill, its a movie" Hailey told me. "but that is so fucking dumb. Shit like that could actually happen and they basically doom themselves" i stated. "how?" Kylie asked. "If a physco guy is obsessed with you and keeps you in a celluar or something with a knife held to your throat and talking about how you're going to be together, and he leaves, you call the cops, he comes back holds the knife to your throat again and you just blurt out that you called the cops and you would never be with a loser like him, of course he's going to slit your throat bitch, like play it the fuck off say that you want to be with him because you're fucking life is at steak" i explained. "Thats deep yo" Vanessa said. "Yeah it is, im tired of the stupidity these days" i said. "Then again, its a movie" i added.

They laughed at my last respinse and changed the movie since it bothered me so much. "This movie is perfect" Madison stated. "Hell yeah, this is my favorite movie" i agreed. "This movie is like lana and i. Like you're lola and i'm Emily" Hailey said. "You would do someone embarrasing in the bathroom and i would think its Cassidy with Matthew" i agreed. "If you didnt like him so much, i would do him in a bathroom" Hailey shrugged. "Not going to lie, he's hot" Kylie agreed with her. "And he's sort of kind of taken" Vanessa told them. "Technically he isnt" i said. "You should tell him how you feel" Madison begged. "Hell no, i like our relationship right now" i said. "Best friends with benefits?" Kylie asked. Ouch.

They all looked at her and she instantly felt bad. "i didnt mean" she started to say. "It's fine, you're kind if right i guess"

Realizing Kylie was right, didnt hurt my feelings today as much as it would of 2 years ago. Maybe because i've changed, but what is change? Maybe i just like the idea of not being tied down by a guy and doing whatever i want.

Maybe i liked to be around my girlfriends and freely talk about how hot a guy is without a boufriend finding out and getting angry.
Maybe i liked the fact that if i went to a party, got really drunk and made out with a random hot dude, and got his number that i eouldnt have any guilt or worries. Which will probably happen next weekend at Vanessa's party.

That's just me though, i have feelings for Matthew but maybe i never told him because if we did start to date i would have more worries, i wouldnt be able to have as much as my single friends, i wouldnt get some attention from some really hot guys who try to get my number, i wouldnt be able to play the stuck up girl who could make a guy get on their knees and beg for a kiss.

Maybe im just, a fuckgirl.

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