Chapter ten: cheat

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His soft lips continued to move against mine, until my phone beeped again.
"that's the fourth time in five minutes" Matthew laughed. "Sorry, my phone usually isnt popular" i said. "lana you turn girls into lesbians, shut up" he joked. "you shut up, and its just Shawn who texted, no one else" i said. "Shawn this, Shawn that" he mocked. "isnt he one of your bestfriends?" i asked. "Well yeah, but my girls eyes shouldn't light up when she hears his name" he said. "they do not" i rolled my eyes and felt my cheeks heat up, i don't know if it was because he called me his girl, or that he noticed my ethusiasm for Shawn.

from: Shawn
When is our next #shana time
1 image attached (pic of his body 😍😍)
okay dont answer, it is fine

to: Shawn
soon, promise love ❤️ and i need to workout with you because damn you look good (;

from: Shawn
omg why are you flirting with me, i cant do that to Matthew!!!!!!!!!!

to: Shawn
i wont tell if you dont 😉 jkjk, and him and i only been dating for 4 weeks, chilllllll

from: Shawn
4 weeks too many 😒

to: Shawn
stop being jealous damn, and dont worry i can talk him in to a 3-some (;;;;

from: Shawn
bye lana im done🙄

to: Shawn
love you my beloved husband❤️

from: Shawn
love you more my dear wife❤️
"are you even listening?" Matthew asked. "of course" i lied. He rolled his eyes and sat back with his arms crossed. "dont be a baby" i teased. "my girlfriend doesnt want to listen to me" he whined. "my boyfriend cries about everything" i mocked him and hopped in his lap.

He smiled at me and kissed my nose before giving his attention to my phone that rang. He picked it up and read the message, i really dont mind because i have nothing to hide.
"it is lana, l a n a n a s" he sang, the way he was holding my phone made me realize he was probably on snapchat. I started laughing and he pointed the camera toward me and i quickly covered my face. "sing with me baby" he said.

While he was doing whatever on my phone, i used his to mess with people.
-Matt's Phone Messages
to: Cam
i found the drugs
to: Nash
you hide the body?
to: Shawn
damn you fine
to: Carter
i killed them, im screwed

"are you messing with the guys again?" Matthew asked me. "yeah" i laughed.
from: Bobby
had a great time the other night.... it was my first time and i'm glad i got to experience that with you, can we do it again sometime? (;

A lump hitched in the back of my throat. I would never in a million years, think that Matthew would cheat on me. Maybe i got the wrong idea. "What did you and Bobby do the other night?" i asked him. He looked at me with wide eyes. "What are you talking about?" he nervously laughed. "What did you do?" i repeated. "Nothing, i stayed home because i wasnt feeling well, i told you this" he lied. Its easy to tell when he lies, and he was.

4 weeks, we date for four weeks and he has already cheated and lied to me. Fuckboy.
"Why are you crying?" he asked. "four fucking weeks Matthew, and you've already cheated and lied to me" i said. "i did not cheat on you!" he yelled. "Stop lying, you know what i dont even care, i dont know why i agreed to date you, i dont know why i even liked and trusted you" i spat. "lana what the hell! Why do you assume i was with bobby?" he asked. "This message"

I showed him the message and he looked mad. "i dont know what the hell she is talking about!" he yelled and grabbed the phone. "When did you get so good at lying?" i asked. He didnt answer me because he was too focused on his phone. "look" he showed me.

to: Bobby
what the hell are you talking about?
from: Bobby
omg Matthew i am so sorry, that message was for someone else!!

Who's the idiot? I'm the idiot. "I believe you have something to say to me" he said when he calmed down. I looked at him and then back down. "you're forgiven lana". "i'm an idiot" i repeated my thoughts aloud. "i didnt want to say anything but..." he joked. I didnt find it funny considering i felt really embarrased right now. "come here, baby" he held his arms out. I got in his arms and pulled him closer. "is your heart beating fast because you were mad?" i asked. "no, it's beating fast because it stopped when i saw yours break" he said. "how did i get so lucky?"
group chat: Shawn, Matt, Cam, Nash, Carter, Taylor, Aaron, JJ, JG
from: Taylor
are you two still busy?
from: Cam
they've been busy all day, gag
from: Carter
let them do their thing (;
from: Shawn
:(.... gross
to: group chat
shut up, we've just been on each others phone
from: Aaron
sure you have
from: Shawn
so was it Matt or lana who called me "fine"
from: Matt
it was me (;
to: group chat
from: Cam
your bf is cheating on you w/ Shawn, lana
to: group chat
i know Cam, its sickening, and ugh
from: Shawn
weren't you the one talking about a 3-some or?
from: Matt
we dont even have 2-somes :(
to: group chat
Matt has 1-some's, i hear him and damn 😉
from: Matt
from: Nash
you do it when lana is around?, ahahha
from: Cam
who doesnt? 😉
from: Matt
Cameron i will beat the shit out of you
to: group chat
10-some 😉😉 if the others reply tho
from: Carter
the jacks are working on something and everyone else is probably sleeping
to: group chat
1 image attached (weird selfie)
from: Matt
chat later, lana and i have to go
from: Cam
lana just made Matt horny
from: Taylor
lana made everyone horny

fuckboysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang