Chapter six: naked

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I woke up, naked next to my bestfriend.
"They have awoken" Vanessa annouced and had a camera on us. "are you recording?" i asked. "duh" she said. "explain to the camera why you two woke up naked to each other" she added. "Did we sleep together again?" Hailey joked and i laughed. "Perfect picture" Vanessa said.

"Everyone in this hotel at the moment is naked. We played an intense game before we went to sleep last night." Vanessa explained when the camera was pointed at her. It was about her chest though. "Vanessa i swear if you point that camera toward me i will kill you" Madison told her. "Madison is just walking around naked" she told the camera while laughing. "this is normal guys" Kylie said from behind Vanessa to the camera. "that angle looks kind of kinky" Madison told them and we all laughed. "The word of the sleepiver was 'kinky' guys" Vanessa spoke once again to the camera. "okay lets turn that camera off, i have to be somewhere after breakfast" i told her. "you're scared im going to video you walking around naked?" Vanessa asked. "kind of" i laughed. "good call, because you know i'd video you to keep to myself" she joked. "sounds a bit kinky" i winked. "very kinky" Hailey added.

She turned the camera off and i got out of bed and went to the bathroom.
After we all showered, brushed our teeths and hair, and dressed we went to the lobby to eat breakfast.

We talked while we ate and watched the video from upstairs. "it shows no nude bodies, so i can post it right?" Vanessa asked. "Hell no, perverts follow you" i told her. "Fine, can i send it to people we know?" she asked and we all shrugged. "great"
While we ate a guy came to our table. "who are you?" Kylie asked him. "I just came to talk, the name is Mason" he introduced. "Im hailey, this is Kylie, Vanessa, Madison, and lana" she introduced all of us. "sweet, any reason why you're in a hotel?" he asked. "A girl thing" Madison replied. He nodded. "Well we have to get going, nice to meet you Mason"

"He was hitting on one of us" Kylie said when we got back to the room. "Maybe he was hitting on all of us" Hailey stated. "He wanted a 6sm?" Vanessa asked which caused us to laugh.

imessage from: Matt
be at ur place in 10

"lana who is more important than us?" Marison asked. "shut up, i have to get home though, thanks for the last night" i said. "Anytime, it was a blast"
When i got home i noticed Matthew's car parked a little far from my house. He does that because my mom doesnt really like for me to have guys over, and she already thinks Matthew and i have a thing. She likes him though because he's made me happy being my best friend and all but she would want us downstairs with her and thats really uneccesary.

I got to my room and Matthew was sitting on my bed on his phone. "i went through the window, i wasnt sure if your mom or dad was here" he informed me. "no ones home, and i dont have a dad" i said. "well you call me your dad" he smirked. "no i dont" i laughed. He got up and stood in front of me. "you never tell me how you get to my window, my room is upstairs" i said. "it takes effort, but i manage" he smiled. "well i guess you deserve a prize" i smiled. "you know, Vanessa sent me that video of you all this morning" he said. "really? how embarrassing" i said. "it was hot" he smirked. "fuckboy"

He laughed at my comment and then put his lips on mine. "you know, i was trying really hard to see through those sheets" he smirked. "Well, ill have to tell Hailey, she'd be flattered" i joked. "what's my prize for climbing?" he asked. "what do you want?" i asked. "to do some things to you" he said. "well then we'd both be getting a prize"

We kissed roughly and made our way to my bed. His hands ran up and down my sides under my shirt while his lips did their magic on my neck. "my mom is going to kill me when she sees my neck" i breathed out. "i'll get you some makeup" he said which caused me to laugh a little.

Someone knocked at my door and the pleasure i was feeling from Matthews mouth and hands left when he stopped.
I groaned and got up to answer the door while Matthew hid probably in my closet.

I opened the door and Ethan invited himself in my room. "What do you want?" i asked him. "i want to know something" he said. "Well leave, you wont find out here" i said. "Why does mom have this?" he asked pulling out a gun. It wasn't my mom's though, it was the one used to kill Jackson. The one that was suppose to kill me.

"Where did you find that?" i asked. "doesnt matter" he shrugged. He started messing around with it and pointed toward me. "bow down to your king" He acted. That day replayed in my mind when he did that. "Dude, put the gun down, its not something to play with" I heard Matthew and he came out of my closet. "whatever, and when did you get here?" Ethan asked. "give me the gun" Matthew said. Ethan rolled his eyes and gave it to him. "Mom isnt going to like those hickeys you got there" He said before leaving.

"He's such a pain in the ass" i mumbled.

I heard mumbling from outside of my window. Someone was outside in our front yard, i couldnt hear the clear conversation but i heard enough of it. "you're patrol officer will be here to check once a week" they spoke.

Only one person who lives here now would need a parol officer, David.
"He's here"

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