Chapter fourteen: dumb ass

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Once the plane landed and everyone got off, we were back in California. The person on the monitor announced it. "What happened in Canada, stays in Canada" i pointed at Shawn. "You don't want me telling people that we went to hockey for the last couple of days and you sucked?" he asked while laughing. I punched his shoulder playfully and we waited for someone to come get us.

"Cameron sucks" Shawn complained. "He was suppose to be here as soon as we landed so we could get home" i agreed. "I'll call him" he said and got up and went outside to get service to call him.

I sat in the waiting area and leaned my head back, i was really tired and it's really early. "Hey" a familiar voice said. I looked up and Matthew stood there. "Um why are you here?" i asked him. "lana, can we please talk?" he asked. Shawn thankfully interrupted us. "Cam is going to be here in about 30 minutes, and hey Matt" he said. "hey, welcome back" Matthew greeted him. They bro hugged and Matthew repeated his question to me. I looked at Shawn to save me but he encouraged me to talk to him. "Some best friend you are" i mumbled and followed Matthew to somewhere quiet to talk.

He breathed heavily and started to tell me what happened. "I don't want details" i interrupted. "lana, you know i love you, more than anything and i was so stupid and drunk. I am so sorry that i hurt you and i promise i will never do it again." he said. "What about bobby?" i asked. "That message she sent was for me, i didn't cheat on you with her, we did something else" he explained. "What were you doing then?" i asked. "We were doing illegal drugs, that's why i told her not to tell anyone and say that message was for someone else" he said. "wait, why and where did you get the drugs from?" i questioned. "she told me about how she got a hold of some and i was going to take them and throw them away but she convinced me to do it" he said. "You are such an idiot" i said. "I know" he agreed.

"You made me cry" i told him. "and i m so sorry, but please don't cry over me ever, i don't deserve your tears" he said. "you make my head spin and i hate that i forgive you" i told him and he smiled. "I will never hurt you again baby, i swear, and i won't get really drunk like that ever again" he promised and hugged me. I hugged him back and kissed his cheek.

We went back to the waiting area and Shawn was sleeping. I woke him up and we left with Matthew, calling Cameron that we had a ride of course.

He brought Shawn home first since he was obviously more tired than me. "bye my beloved" i called out to him. "bye my dear" he said back.

"So how was Canada?" Matthew asked as we drove off. "It was really fun, i had the best time" i said. "i'm glad" he smiled. "So about the beach house..." he added. "I would still love to go" i interrupted. He smiled and grabbed my hand. "I swear, i take you for granted", "shut up and drive"


~ Couple of mornings later (last few days of spring break)

The sound of my music playing woke me up. I most likely fell asleep listening to music last night and didn't turn it off.

Today is the day Matthew and I go to the beach house he rented for the two of us. The thought of it is exciting, and makes me forget all of the things we've been through these weeks.

"lana, daddy's calling you" Liane said coming in my room. I groaned and went downstairs. "What?" i asked when i saw him. "I just wanted to make sure you were awake for your trip with Matthew" he said. "you don't have to worry about me" i said. "Well you are my daughter" he said. "You weren't worried about me when you pulled a gun on me, were you?" i asked and went upstairs. I was already packed, i just had to get dressed.
Matthew drove for about an hour and a half before parking on the side of a house. It was like a suite, one story with beautiful infrastructure.
"this is beautiful" i awed at the view and where the house was standing.
We went inside and Matthew wrapped his arms around me. "beautiful house for a beautiful girl" he said. "you're sweet" i giggled and held his hands.

The kitchen already had food and everything in it. "All of your favorites" he told me and handed me a bag of goldfish (yes lana, you are winning, Goldfish is the way to go).
"So are we going to the beach soon?" i asked. "around the evening, thats when it's the best" he answered. "so what are we going to do for the next couple of hours?" i asked. He looked at me and shrugged and sat down.

I went over to him and sat on his lap. "when i told my mom about the trip, she asked me a question" i stated. "what was the question?" he asked. "will we be, you know, doing IT" i told him and he raised his eyebrows. "it?", i nodded. "well what was your response?" he asked.
My hands ran through his hair. "i said it was none of her business" i answered. "but it's our business, so will we be doing IT?" he asked. "well, i didn't know what size you are, so i got the biggest size there was since you're so cocky"  i said and he laughed a little. "are you being seductive?" he smirked. "for a virgin, yeah"

He kissed me, i stood up breaking the kiss and grabbed him by his collar, kissing him. He picked me up and i kissed and sucked on his neck. When i finished leaving a mark on him, i kissed him again and he walked over to the furniture, setting me down without breaking our tongue war.
I lifted his shirt off of him and unbuckled his pants. "you sure you want to do this?" he asked. "why do you think i'm getting you undressed?" i asked and he laughed a little. He took my shirt and shorts off.
My phone started ringing and we stopped.

Matthew went over to my phone and came back and handed it to me and i put it on speaker.
"hello?" i answered.
"LANA HURRY UP YOU NEED TO GET HERE!" The voice sounded like it belongs to Cameron.
"what is going on? what happened?" i asked.
"Shawn had an accident!"
"w-what?! where is he?!"
I threw my clothes back on while listening to Cameron talk.
"We were all in the car and Shawn was driving, we were being stupid and he...."
"He almost peed his pants!"
What. The. Actual. Fuck. Fuckkkkk.
"what the fuck Cameron"
"anyways what are you and Matt doing?"
"i fucking hate you, im blocking you"
"It was Nash's idea!"
"Then im blocking you and Nash, goodbye"

I hung up the phone a little fustrated. The thought of something happening to Shawn honestly made me mad and made me want to cry. I don't know what i would do without him.
Matthew died of laughter. "They got us good" he continued to laugh. "i dont really find that funny" i told him. "whats the big deal?" he asked. "i thought something actually happened to Shawn" i said. "well he almost peed his pants"
I rolled my eyes and dialed Shawn's number. "what are you doing?" he asked. "Calling Shawn" i said in a duh tone. "why? we're alone" he said. "we'll be alone all week, i just need to check on him" i shrugged. He rolled his eyes. Shawn's phone immediately went to voicemail. "his phone is probably dead" i sighed. "so lets turn off your phone and go have fun babe" Matthew suggested. "Keep it on, i dont want to miss Shawn's call" i said. "sorry i forgot you needed to keep in touch with your boyfriend" Matthew mocked me.
"What the FUCKK, damn it Matthew you make me so fucking insane", he looked at me and rolled his eyes. "you're an ass" i mumbled. "im a what?" he asked. "ASS. A. S. S." i spelled it out because clearly he is a dumb ass. (lol READ A/N)

"Ass?" he asked. "Matthew i will shove my foot down your fucking throat" i said irritated. "And i would find it hot" he winked.
F u c k b o y
Kind of thought the last part was funny.
If you dont get the joke lana was saying that Matthew is an ass, and he was being dumb, so he is a Dumb Ass. LOL
Im lame asf
im making that the chapter title haha dumb ass

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