Chapter seven: fuck normal

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weeks later~

I did my normal morning routine for school. Shower, brush my teeth and hair, get dressed, argue with Kate for her taking my shirts, put my shoes on, and go downstairs to wait for one of my bestfriends to get me.

I have a perfectly working car, but i think its stupid to waste student parking spaces and create more pollution, when we can carpool.
"Goodmorning lana, would you like some breakfast?" David asked me. (you got lana fucked up if you think she gonna refer to him as a dad lmao). "school has breakfast" i informed him, even though i hate the school food. "you hate the school's food" he chuckled. Get out of my mind, bitch. "i like it today" i shrugged. "lana, you've been keeping this act up for weeks now, its getting tiring" he sighed. "then go to fucking sleep and dont wake up" i suggested.

He looked at me, not with anger but disappointment, this made me feel bad, the last thing i wanted to do was hurt his feelings and disappoint him.
I crack myself up, let this bitch suffer. Let him drown in his own fucking tears of disappointment, i really dont give a shit.
"Daddy im ready to go to school" Liane said coming downstairs. "when did you start taking her to school?" i asked. "Your mom couldnt this morning, so just today" he told me. "just never, come on Liane, Shawn's outside" i said. "its okay lana, i'll take her" David said. "She along with Kate and Ethan and i are never letting you take us anywhere, get used to it" i snapped. I grabbed Liane's hand and we left.

We got in Shawn's car and he smiled at us. "Do you mind taking her to school first?" i asked. "no problem at all, is everything good?" he asked while driving toward her school. "lana doesnt want dad to take me anywhere" Liane blurted. "why is that?" he asked. "i dont trust that son of a bitch" i mumbled. "lana mae, there is a child in the car" Shawn said acting like a parent. "and there are trees outside" i stated.
"peace out" Liane said getting out of the car when we arrived at her school. "Have a good day, and call me if mom cant get you" i told her. "yeah yeah" she said and ran off. "she's like a mini you" Shawn smiled. "her biological father isnt a coward though" i responded. "so what did he do today?" he asked. "he offered me breakfast" i answered. "really? thats normal" he said. "fuck normal"

Shawn parked his car in the student parking lot, and we got out, heading toward the school. "just dont be so grumpy today" he told me. "Grumpy's naughty, and you like naughty" i winked. "in that case" he smirked. "fuckboy" i said. "you set me up for that everyday" he said which made me laugh. "its okay, fuckboys are the hottest, also my type". "when did i become your type?", "you've always been, especially when you sing" i teased him. "shut up about that already, i dont want anyone knowing about that!" he whispered yelled. "so you only sung for me?" i asked and he nodded. "aw, i feel so special, lien THE Shawn Mendes sung to ME, lana" i shrieked. "stop lana" he pouted. "i dont sing" he added. "okay" i winked.

I went to my locker and Shawn went to his which was a little distant from mine. "i-i-i lana like a lana song baby, i-i-i lana like a lana song baby" Matthew sung when u got to my locker that was next to him. "stop replacing love with my name" i laughed. "it sounds so good though" he said. "ew stop, we're in public" i joked and hit his chest. "i said it sounds good, not you, even though you do" he winked. "The bell is going to ring soon so i should go" i said. "you didnt even embrace me today" he pouted. "come here you big baby" i laughed and hugged him tight. When we pulled away he leaned down for a kiss, i acted as if i were going to kiss back, but then ducked and ran.

I sat next to some random girls i rarely talk to, i dont know if i even consider them my friends. "hi lana" Chealsey said to me, i dont know the common way to spell that name, but to me the way she spells it seems weird, but who am i to judge. "hi" i said back.

Our teacher started talking, i dont even know what she talks about, because i dont listen, its not like this class matters that much or that its hard, its health, everyone just sits around on their phone.

from: Matt
dude 😐😒

to: Matt
sorry ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

from: Matt
gross, stop flirting with me

to: Matt
shut up fuckboy

from: Matt
i claim my title 😉

to: Matt

from: Matt
love you lana

to: Matt
gtg gtg gtg ❤️

from: Matt

to: Matt

from: Matt
its not human for the l not to be capitalized 😂

to: Matt
my mom was high asf when she signed my birth certificate

from: Matt
i know the story, but LOVE YOU lana

to: Matt
ugh, not in the way i want you to

from: Matt
yes in the way you want me to

to: Matt
*mumbles something that you never hear*
(AN: ^ you dont know what way i want you to)

from: Matt
i wanna know what you say :(

to: Matt
gtg gtg ❤️

from: Matt
bye cutie
"yeah so im doing a redo party since the last one went really bad" Vanessa explained why she was having another party so soon. "it was fun until that happened" Lea said. "lets never talk about it again" Madison said. "agreed"

"lana do you need a ride home?" Hailey asked me. "no, Shawn is going to take me home since hes coming over anyway" i shrugged. "i have been meaning to bring that up, you and Shawn have been really together lately" Vanessa said wiggling her eyebrows. "chilllllll, he is my friend, im single and not ready to mingle" i said. "whatever, but what about Matthew?" Madison brought up. "what about him?" i asked. "you two were so in love, what happened?" Kylie asked. "um, nothing we were never 'in love' just good friends, and nothing happened" i answered. "Bobby happened" Vanessa said. "i heard she likes him" Lea said. "i have to go, see you guys later" i said and left.

Shawn was in his car with his head laid back and his music playing, he was singing along. I got in and his head shot up. "Chillllll" I said and he laughed a little. "keep singing" i told him. "i dont sing, baby" he said. "for me" i asked with puppy eyes. "no" he laughed. "i wish i never married you" i joked. "you dont mean that, the children are going to be so upset!" he said. "sing for me" i demanded. "nope, nothing you could say will make me sing" he said. "thats what you think"

We arrived at my house after about 8 minutes of driving. "what is your dad going to say?" Shawn asked before getting out of the car. "what are you going to say?" i asked. "i dont know, nothing?" he said. "Then my dad is going to say 'i dont know, nothing?' " i mocked him. "really?" he asked. "isnt that what you just said?" i asked with a wink for him to get the joke.

Shawn followed me inside my house. Ethan and Kate were in the living room on their phones, and i dont know where the others were. "That's the fourth guy this week!" Kate yelled. "how? you're so ugly" Ethan said. "Shut up, you guys know Shawn, and the others are my best friends fuckers" i rolled my eyes. "oh, Hi Shawn" Kate said in a flirty way messing with her hair. "dont say anything to her" i told him and sent him upstairs while i got us drinks.

Ethan came in the kitchen while i was getting our drinks. "you're still ugly" he stated. "you're still a dick" i said. "i have one, thats true" he said. "You having a dick because you're a dude is like saying the moon belongs to America because the flag is up there" i said. "shut up, im pretty sure every dude has one" he said. "then why dont you?" i asked and went upstairs.

"Sorry it took so long" i said shutting my door. "yeah yeah, come sit so i can sing for you" he said. "really? thats not normal of you to suggest singing to me" i smiled. "fuck normal"
Question of the chapter:
#Mana or #Shana 🤔🙂

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