Chapter forty-three

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My mom looks between Kate, Ethan, Liane, and me, pondering what to say. I impatiently wait, i want answers. She leaves and comes back with a random guy and is trying to leave again, also according to him she's dying.

"i know i haven't been the best mother, and i disappoint all of you constantly but.." she starts and stops. "but what?" Kate asks annoyed. "its just everything with your dad and"

Kate stops her by standing up. "no! you dont get to blame him for this! every time you do something you blame it on someone else or run away. Stop being acting like a kid and own up to your choices. Actually im going to say what everyone is thinking, you're a horrible person and parent, you messed up many times and done some unforgivable things. You are no longer our mother, when we look at you we just see trash, run away we wont care we've taken care of ourselves before we can do it again. you're worse than dad!" she screams. "i may not be the best mother but i still am your mother and you will not talk to me like that!"

Ethan stands up to comfort Kate. "we're not listening to anymore of this bull" he says before going upstairs and calling Liane up with them. I tell them i will be up later because i still want answers.

She looks at me and sighs. "so why did you leave?" i ask. "i had to get away from your father" she answers. "oh thats cool, thanks for leaving us to deal with your problems. You invited him back here from prison despite what he did"

"lana, he was in jail for drugs, people mess up" she defends him. "he was in jail for that but you and i both know what he did, and he is not my father"

She mumbles something under her breath. "you were young, you dont understand what happened, you're dramatic" she says. "im pretty sure i understand David pointing a gun at me and shooting Jackson meaning to shoot me" i say. "lana, please lets not do this..."

I scoff. "why are you even back?" i ask. "i needed treatment...", "so you are dying?"

She nods her head slowly. I dont know what to do or say so i just nod and go upstairs.

"lana whats happening?" Liane asks. "nothing, Kate just needs some time to calm down" i tell her.

I go in my room and run a bubble bath. Its 6 pm and today has been tiring even though i didnt go anywhere. Just so much drama.

I grab my phone and speaker and play music while i soak in the bath. Since my phone is waterproof i can still text and everything.

iMessage: Shawn (private)

Shawn //- what's my girl doing this fine evening
lana //- bubble bath (-:
Shawn //- sounds fun, room for another? (;
lana //- definitely, i need some Shawn & lana time right about now too
Shawn //- oh no what happened
lana //- so much drama, so much stress, i havent even started my essay!!!
Shawn //- no one has babe, dont stress
lana //- everything is so hard and frustrating
Shawn //- and everything will be okay, you'll see
lana //- it will be if you come over here :(
Shawn //- haha okay be there in 10
lana //- YAY

When i get out of the bath i put lotion on my body. The doorbell rings before i can get dressed so i just throw on undergarments and a robe.

I answer the door and see Shawn smiling with oreos and ice cream. "damn i love you"

He laughs at my comment and comes in, setting everything down. Once he does that he comes closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

Instead of hugging, i surprise him by smashing my lips to his. He grips my waist but stops as we hear Jackson barking and Liane running in front of him.

"seriously?" i groan. "lana, look! i taught Jackson some tricks", she tries to tell him to sit but he doesn't listen.

"it worked earlier!" she whined. "its okay just keep practicing" i tell her. "Shawn!" she yells noticing him and hugs him. "hey cutie"

She blushes and i literally gag.

Shawn laughs at me and when they finish hugging we go to my room.

"so after doing tons of research, my parents and i picked a record label and we have a meeting with them in New York next week"

My eyes widen. Everything is happening so fast for him. "should i not do it?" he questions.

"no no no, do it! you love music and this is great!" i tell him. He relaxes a little. "do you want to come?" he asks.

New York? Who doesn't want to go to New freaking York? The problem is responsibilities.

"As fun as that sounds, i dont want to be a distraction", he looks at me as if i wasn't speaking english. "you won't be a distraction, you will be my motivation and i need motivation" he says.

I laugh at his response, we both know i would be a distraction.

"come on, when will you get another chance to go to New York for free, not to mention it is the city of love"

"um it is not the city of love", "we could make it" he winks. I laugh and shake my head.

He grabs my hand and pull me closer to him, our faces only an inch away from each other. "please lana, i wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for you posting me" he begs. I sigh and think about it.

His lips meet mine for a couple seconds.

"please", i smile a little, probably blushing. "can't say no to that"

We're going to New York.


okay i know its been a long time since i have updated but honestly i had writers block and exams and so much stuff i was busy with sorry!!!!!

But im on break so i will update again, i have a plan for the next chapter so i might finish that by tomorrow so i most likely will update tomorrow too! 😌

Thanks for the feedback and support!!!
Comment what you think will happen in New York and how the meeting will go!!!

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