Chapter fifteen: Spaghetti

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I finished a nice long shower. Matthew and i just came back from the beach. It's been 3 days at this beach house, and honestly it's been a nice getaway, although Matthew and i argue a lot.
We tend to disagree most things, but we laugh it out and make up. It kind of worries me that we disagree so much, but not too much. He was once my best friend so there wouldn't ever be a disagreement that would make us hate each other. I dont think that's possible.

After getting dressed in a long shirt and leggings, i joined Matthew in the main room with the tv.
I sat next to him and put my legs on him. "that took a while, were you touching yourself?" he wiggled his eyebrows. "im pretty sure you're the only one who touches yourself in this relationship" i laughed. "you wont touch me" he pouted. "i try but we always get interrupted" i said.

Its true, every time we're about to do something, someone either calls, or walks in on us.
"well who's going to interupt us now?" he smirked and smashed his lips on mine.

We kissed more but i put my hand on his chest and lightly pushed him off of me. "you still smell like the ocean" i laughed. "i'll be back, dont move" he grinned and left the room.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed some goldfish. It is my favorite snack in the world.

The shower was still on since Matthew was in it. I got on the bed and texted my friends as i waited for him to get out.
to: Madison, Shawn, Hailey, Vanessa (group chat)
hi guys
from: Madison
she's alive!
from: Hailey
good! Shawn stop worrying damn
from: Shawn
shut up Hailey i was not worried
to: group chat
aw, Shawn ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
from: Vanessa
lol Shawn is blushing
from: Shawn
dude you dont even see me
from: Vanessa
we all know you're blushing
from: Madison
tru tru
to: group chat
leave Shawn and his red cheeks alone
from: Shawn
Oh. My. Goshhhhhhhhhhhh.
to: group chat
ha, its okay you're cute
from: Vanessa
ew stop flirting
from: Hailey
its disguisting
from: Shawn
lana lets ditch them
to: group chat
good idea, peace out losers
to: Shawn (private message)
i feel bad
from: Shawn
they're fine
to: Shawn
stop hitting on our friends gosh
from: Shawn
ha. how's the trip?
to: Shawn
it's great. What are you doing?
from: Shawn
wishing you will text back faster because im lonely
to: Shawn
go find some girls😉
from: Shawn
i already found you.....
to: Shawn
funny. hey i have to go but seriously go hang out with someone you have tons of friends. love you ❤️
from: Shawn
okay lana
to: Shawn
you no love me? :(
from: Shawn
i love you more than you can imagine
to: Shawn
hella heart eyes for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
from: Shawn
bye lana (:
Matthew came out of the bathroom with his hair and body still wet. He had a towel wrapped around his waist.
"damn baby" i said. He winked causing me to laugh and he put some clothes on.
After he towel-dried his hair, i patted the spot in front of me.

He lyed down in front of me, with his head on my thighs. I started playing with his hair and put small braids.
"now you're pretty" i clapped my hands together when i finished. "i'm pretty all of the time" he argued. "uh not really" i joked. He looked up and i smiled at him. "when is the day going to come when you're nice to me?" he asked. "hm, never". He mumbled something and i raised my eyebrows. "what was that?" i asked. "i said you're nice to Shawn"

If i had a dollar for every time he has brought up Shawn on this one trip, i would be rich.
i sighed angrily. "what?" he asked. "Are you jealous or something, well obviously you are but do you think Shawn and i are a thing?" i asked. "no, why, are you?" he questioned. "No we are not and it's getting annoying that you have compared you and i's relationship with Shawn and i's friendship" i explained. "i know, i'm sorry, i'll stop, i just dont want anyone taking you away from me" he said.

By now he was sitting up facing me. "no one will so stop worrying" i told him and kissed his nose. He smiled and kissed me.
As we kissed we took each other's shirts off. I gripped his belt buckle and brought him close to me. We would of went further but he started laughing, eventually making me laugh.
"stop laughing" i laughed. "you first" he laughed more.

We stopped kissing to finish our weird laughing session. "sorry i thought of something funny" he said when he stopped laughing. "which was?", "what did the pillow say when it fell off of the bed? OH SHEET!" he repeated the joke that was in his head. I raised my eyebrows and he started laughing again. "The pillow fell when we were making out" he explained. "you're crazy" i laughed. "no i'm...." My phone cut him off midsentence by ringing.

Vanessa was on the other line and i put her on speaker phone. "are you and Shawn done being sensitive?" she asked which was more like a yell. "We were done like an hour ago" i spoke. "oh well what are you and Matthew doing?"
"Nothing now!" Matthew shouted playfully to my phone. Vanessa started laughing along with others in the backround. "where and who are you with?" i asked. "chill babe, it's not that crucial" she joked. "what was i thinking being with a groupie?" i joked. "this groupie shows you a good time", i heard the people in the backround get silent along with Matthew.

"lana, you are so grounded" i heard Cameron speak. "but dad i...", "but dad nothing, when you get back there will be a punishment" he spoke. "i am the only one who can punish her" Matthew said. "i wish i was lana so i can get punished" Vanessa whined. "Travis punishes you" i reminded her. "Travis and i broke up he doesnt like you and i's relationship" she said. "that blows" i said. "you know what im hoping blows?" Matthew whispered to me. "horny bastard" i rolled my eyes. "lets give lana and Matty alone time" i could basically see Taylor winking and smirking. "you just want to prank Shawn while he's sleeping" someone's faint voice said, i couldnt really reconize because they were distant from the phone. "no one is pranking Shawn" i told them. "okay sure" Taylor said. "Taylor i will kill you and whoever else pranks Shawn, let him sleep", they sighed. "okay bye guys" Matthew said, after they said bye he hung up the phone. "they're going to prank him" Matthew chuckled. "i know, poor Shawn" i pouted.

"were you eating goldfish crackers?" Matthew asked. "maybe" i grinned. "i can taste them" he said moving his mouth around trying to get more of a taste i guess. "okay that's disguisting" , Matthew laughed at my disguist face.
"sorry im hungry" he whined. "well what do you want to eat?" i asked instantly regretting i asked that because knowing Matthew, he's going to say something inapropriate. "Spaghetti" he smiled. Wow, i gave him the benefit of the doubt. "but for dessert" he added and smirked. Okay i was right the first time.
"Spaghetti and icecream it is" i jumped up.
KIND OF A LAME CHAPTER LOL. Thanks for 700 reads ma darlingsssss 💗
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