Chapter sixteen: drugs

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It's Saturday meaning tomorrow is Sunday, meaning the day after Sunday is Monday, meaning we have to go back to school, meaning Matthew and i have to get back home today.
Monday's just fuck up any reasonable plans someone has, and i honestly wish i could just strangle Monday's.
Would they be different if we didn't have to get back to reality on Monday's? Probably.

"So i lost, which was unfair because you know how much i do not like pickles" Matthew finished his story of a pickle challenge he did with Nash and Cameron. (cutest vid. & Cashew gives me life okay ok.)
We walked along the beach, hands intwined, sunglasses on, sharing stories.
"Do a bagel challenge, show them who's boss" i said dramatically. "i dont have to prove im the boss, because honestly" he flipped his hair. "ok lee, dont get cocky" he looked at me with a straight face. "whatever MAE" he said. "lee lee lee lee" i sung. "okay stop", i continued to mock him, leading him to bend down and slide one of his arms between my legs.

He threw me over his shoulder when he got a grip. "put me down!" i yelled. "i told you to stop" he laughed. "this isnt funny put me down!"
He went toward the ocean. He stood where the water went above his knees. The water only hit my feet, i was still hanging over his shoulder. "im going to fall!" i screamed. "i got you baby", "Matthew seriously" i started hitting his back.

As i struggled to get off of him, he was being humored. "this isnt funny" i pouted and gave up. "close your eyes" He yelled. "dont throw me in, this is the ocean!" i yelled closing my eyes. "im not!" he yelled and soon i was underwater, trying to swim toward the air.
Soon i felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me up. I coughed out the salt water and wiped my eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"you're a dick" i told Matthew, pushing him and walking up the wet, mushy sand to get out of the water.
He followed me and the only way i knew this is because i could still his laughter, getting closer to me as i continued to walk.

"Okay im done sorry" he laughed. I ignored him and continued walking. "i didnt throw you in, a wave went over us!" he explained. "i could have drowned" i mumbled. "dont be dramatic, i pulled you up"
Honestly drowning was the least of my worries, i was scared a shark was going to get me. I overthink, especially in the ocean.
(there was a 20 ft hammerhead shark like 3 feet away from me when i went to florida. Never will i swim that far out in the ocean where my feet dont touch, i was about to be dead but it turned around cas Jesus saved me).

I wasnt really mad at Matthew, i just liked messing with him. Call me a bitch but i call this payback.
"we should start packing" Matthew suggested when we got back to the beach house we've been staying in. I sighed and followed him to the room.
Our stuff was literally everywhere because we didnt bother trying to keep everything organized. "Imagine what our apartment is going to look like" he said. I laughed at the thought and Matthew's phone rang.
After having one worded conversations with the person, he put it on speaker phone.

"Where's lana?" It was Cam's voice.
"right here!" i said loud enough.
"everyone wanted to know when you two will be back"
"Uh soon today, its 8 am so maybe 12 or 1"
"good! because its saturday you know what that means"
"im pretty sure my mom is home"
"convince her to leave and volunteer to drive  your siblings to their friends house"
"whatever, i'll try"
"Casa de lana is back!"
The drive back consisted of Matthew singing with the radio and me just layed back. He grabbed my hand to intwine. "um both hands on the wheel" i told him. "but this could be our thing" he whined. "okay okay"

Matthew pulled up to where i lived. Yay, i cant wait to go inside and see my annoying siblings and listen to my mom ask questions about the trip, she doesnt really care she just wants to know if we had sex. I could just throw the unopened box of condoms at her.

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